Activist butt-boy.
Let us not forget that when the Big Telcos were caught red handed providing our private communications to the Bush cabal (after the WTC attacks), it was a brazen example of felonious corporate crimes (violations of at least the 4th Amendment). The GOP Congress stepped in an simply retroactively changed the law so that no Telco was ever tried, much less convicted. The right-wing in this country is as lawless, dangerous and anti-democratic as any despotic regime anywhere in the world. If McFadden decides there is no congressional power of oversight, the GOP will see to it that it only applies when oversight involves a GOP POTUS. When a Democrat is in the Oval Office, Congressional oversight will go into overdrive. Can you say, “Benghazi”?
Go to Preferences, and click on Users (under Notifications). You will then see a section named “Ignored”. Click the Add button. Type in the user’s alias (georgeh, in this case), and set a time period (I chose the longest one). Close the dialog, and you will not see any posts from the user, at least until the specified time period expires.
There will always be Imbecile-1 judges and this should follow every single one of these compromised, corrupted scumbags the rest of their careers.
And it’s sad and pathetic that various fruits of the poisonous tree should even have a career from an illegitimate president.
These seem to be mostly Chrome extensions:
I also have one that changes “millennials” to “Snake People.”
On the other hand, it’s clear that some people do need their bubbles.
That is grossly unfair.
But hilarious.
When preference is afforded a dictator …
there is no need to uphold the rule of law —
therefore … the need for Judges is rendered moot —
Just think of the money we’ll save on saleries when these
guys put themselves out of a job —
And if they don’t think so …
Just ask donnie if he’d like a little extra money for his next parade —
he he.
Posted to you in the last few minutes several examples of how there are in fact trumPP judges. From McFadden’s Wiki page.
He has been a member of the Federalist Society since 2003.
That’s the best one I’ve found. I also enjoy the setting that replaces pics of the Manchurian Combover with pictures of puppies.
They are mostly Chrome, which also work on my preferred browser, Vivaldi.
Republicans know their supporters haven’t the slightest idea of what the Constitution says, other than the 2nd Amendment (and they don’t know what the 2nd Amendment means). Most of the supporters are authoritarians who love the idea of a King unfettered by the law or custom. And republican politicians are fascist dictators at heart themselves.
Funny how so many conservative officials have puffy, rubbery faces. Fat or thin, their faces don’t look quite real.
That’s the plan. Repugs don’t want any courts that side with the law, only with repugs. Trump wants all disputes solved by the Supreme Court, unless it rules against him. Then, he starts throwing feces.
There’s a thing the Dems could do to win this case decisively: open an impeachment inquiry.
We keep fuckin’ around and we are going to turn this fucker from a felon to an emperor.
How is it that a Jeff Sessions functionary appointed by the quisling president being sued is NOT automatically recused from judging the purported ability of the degenerate who appointed him to ignore the clear letter of the law?
“To be clear, the Court does not imply that Congress may never sue the Executive to protect its powers.”
I like how GOP activist judges now openly warn us that their patently indefensible decisions apply only to the current situation and that normal rules will apply again once a Dem is elected president.
Thanks for that! Too bad 4 months will go by too fast, but it’s 4 months of his predictable drivel I won’t have to see.
ETA: never mind… I see the answers posted above now… thanks!!
I have yet to see this new “ignore” feature anywhere… is it only a Prime feature or am I just blind?