President Donald Trump made an evidence-free suggestion on Tuesday that the 75-year-old man who was shoved to the ground by a Buffalo police officer could be part of the anti-fascist movement known as “antifa.”
He suggested that the man was scanning their equipment so that he could jam it. I guess Antifa doesn’t have cameras with telescopic lenses, like I have on my phone.
Also, sort of inefficient to jam just one or two officer’s equip. My own non-crazy reading of the scene was that the gentlemen was gesturing toward the police officer’s guns and tasers and such–maybe making a point about how they are needlessly armed like soldiers–and he happened to have his phone in his hand as he gestured.
What’s double dip fascist about it is that, lack of evidence aside, he’s justifying an unprovoked attack by forces of the state because of a citizen’s political affiliation.
I am so looking forward to a time just a few months from now when we no longer will be subject to his verbal abuse and the insult to our intelligence by listening to a man child that listens to his gut. Seriously, , Or manchild, is advised by his gut. How gut wrenching Lee sickening is that. He, is the President of the United States. Are you tell me what a deplorable bunch would put him in office? It is beyond common sense and never mind intelligence . And as we have found out over the last long, three years, it is confirmed, you cannot teach stupid.