Honest to GOD…why does he feel he needs to comment on things that he has no KNOWLEDGE on??? He doesn’t NEED to suggest jack sht…ever…we saw the video, we saw the shove, we saw the blood. We also saw one cop try to help while the others did not. THAT is what we’re talking about.
Wow - a 75 year old who isn’t able to keep on his feet after being shoved? Nah - much more likely that he threw himself to the ground hard enough to cause bleeding. /s
If fricking OAN reported Chinese troops were massing on the Canadian border Trump would be nuking Toronto.
Where’s his birth certificate?
What’s your point?
Well, except for the ones that were “unemployed on temporary layoff.”
I´m trying to figure out how one falls ¨harder than (one) was pushed¨?
So gravity’s a bit stronger in Buffalo? Can we get Feynman and deGrasse Tyson to look into this?
We’re all Antifa, moron.
You must have been out of the country when we were supposed to sacrifice them for Wall Street.
My apologies for the yelling, but IS IT NOVEMBER YET?!?
And…it wasn’t blood, he had attached a SFX squib to the bAck of his head. Damn antifascist.
Trump would go splat if he was bumped accidentally. The man isn’t steady on his feet at all.
I love at the end of the story that it says the demonstrator had a gift basket delivered to his wife. You have to love the image of what must have happened when he saw it.
I am afraid of what Trump and McConnell will pull between November 3rd and January 20th!
Let’s test it on donnie.
Says a guy who has never been stiff-armed in his overly-protected ‘life’, such as it is.
Ask an NBA player? (just kidding)