Trump Says He Mentioned Biden Accusations With His China Mediator

During his closed-door speech at the United Nations on Thursday, President Donald Trump said he brought up his unfounded claims about 2020 Democratic candidate Joe Biden’s son with his emissary to the Chinese government.

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He really can’t help himself.


This guy is way past his expiration date as to being the acting president.
Every headline is another indictment into his disqualification for the office.
Every reality show gets terminated sooner or later and later is way to late in this case.


He takes great pride in the nastiest zingers he creates, and the most awful actions (to f*ck rivals up) that he takes.

For example:

at a Camp David retreat to prep for a big event (I don’t recall which one), he finally appeared to be taking notes during a briefing/meeting. I believe it was Gary Cohn who was relieved. Til he saw it was a list of possible nasty nick names for Steve Bannon after Wolfe’s book came out. This is how he investts his energy.

around the time of the Comey firng, it was reported that he made aiedes watch video of the hearings when Comey was testifying before comngress while Trump yelled out nasty commentary - he apparently did this numerous times. At that reporting it was alo told that he used to review tapes of his recent rallies and make people watch as he pointed out his highlights - always the nastiest digs at his percieved enemies.

He relishes in this.

And it’s consistent with what the CEO of Virgin Airlines wrote shortly before the election wtha cautionary vignette. That Trump holds heinous level grudges, plots others downfalls (then as fantasy? because he had no such power, and shares/blurts them out… because ?)

And some of our fellow citizens this this is a great way to lead the US, and that it will end up well for the US.

So yes, he can’t help himself; he is this stupid and vile.


Whose next on his list of asks…his envoy to Turkey? Belarus?

Keep digging, tRump. Its not Biden you’re making a hole for…it’ll be for yourself. Self burial.

There may be a marker in Queens when he’s finally dead and buried, but I can almost guarantee you, not much else.


It must be hard for the Democrats not to push a Biden/Biden ticket for 2020, just to take the pressure off every other area of debate.


Keep digging, Donnie. Just one more group of documents for the House to subpoena, and one more area of witness questioning.


A sensible father who’s children were cutting massive patent deals in China might not want to be setting people on the tracks of politicians who’s children cut advantageous deals in China. But since Blackstone and China both have impeccable records of plain dealing, I’m sure there is nothing to worry about.


He’s trying to normalize such behavior for his deplorable base.


The stable genius is expanding our playing field.


Wait. Back up a second. Why is he bringing up Biden’s son to the Chinese? Did I miss something?

And why the hell is he publicly talking about this? In his demented mind, could he possibly think this is exculpatory? He did think that nontranscript transcript was “perfect”, so who knows?

And why is he throwing Schwarzman under the bus here? So many questions.


Well, there’s certain to be a deep puddle on the marker.


Somewhere in RWNJ fantasyville, Donnie has been screaming that the Bidens made millions (billions!) off of corrupt deals in China. No, there’s no context or evidence. What else is new.


He really can’t. He thinks he is helping himself while digging the hole big enough for him to fit inside. He really is that stupid.


He’s going to be worse off than Francisco Franco (who is still dead).


I read a headline on my news feed, think it was CNN. It said something like Trump’s best hope in the Impeachment process is to keep his mouth shut. I had a nice long hearty laugh and moved on without clicking into the article.


When a Terminator suffers a complete malfunction, it starts erratically destroying everything around it.


It’s the Gish gallop of corruption, as the circle expands to include Russian, China, Saudi Arabia, and Israel, at the least, as well as NRA, Justice Kennedy, Kavanaugh, Pence, Turtle, Ryan, McCarthy, Nunes, etc., etc., etc.


They’re trying to drive an alternate narrative in the media, in an attempt to distract and deflect. He mentioned earlier (was it only yesterday? Time flies when you’re having fun!) something to the effect that Hunter Biden had taken “millions out of Ukraine, billions out of China”, he’s now repeating so that when his cultists see it again they’ll conclude that it must be true, since it’s been reported so many times.

Sadly for him, the shtick is getting old, and frankly he’s jumped the shark. Time to see what’s on the other channels…

