Trump’s Social Network In Danger Of Closure | Talking Points Memo

OMG I didn’t really pay much attention to this but it’s a form of pump and dump? JEEZE how stupid would you have to be to think this is the next big thing? And how illegal is it?


Well, there’s a #3 there too, and that’s what it would actually cost to set up a competitor to Twitter or Facebook. It requires a hosting company to provide server farms and bandwidth, a DDoS firewall provider, and staff to run content and tech support. He doesn’t want to spend that kind of money.

He’ll spend other people’s money, which is partly what this investment scam is all about, but it remains to be seen whether any of this results in an actual product.


Not illegal at all. The Gamestop Wallstreetbets kids took it and ran with it, so the hedge funds who owned most of the shares likely locked in their initial investment and some gains, as pointed out by @occamscoin, and now they’re just playing with house money and any money they get from here on out is pure profit.

Their prospectus is a literal joke-- this is supposed to take on Facebook, another branch is seeing Amazon Web Services as its direct competitor, the film division is taking on Netflix… Someone had a ton of laughs cooking that powerpoint up.


No, that is not “enough” changes, usually. When you configure a web server for your own particular website, you are not modifying source code, unless the web server is written idiotically in which case why use that particular web server.

Amateur hour

I’m sure there is also some “confusion” about the difference between free and open sourced. The benefit of free is that one doesn’t have to hire programmers. One can simply pocket all that expense. The benefit about being clueless when it comes to differences between free and open sourced is that one can say oops, fold the enterprise, blame subordinates and pocket the startup money.



Jeepers, it’s no wonder people call Donnie a loser.




It really is - they are consistently awful. They don’t do one right thing even by mistake, and you might think they would. Brad Parscale might have kept them from making this mistake but of course he doesn’t work for Trump any more because he was stealing from him. They never do hire decent people for any positions because decent people won’t work for them. And they always want people to do things that are sketchy as hell and just everybody won’t.


Yes indeedy…


You misspelled “speculators”


Wow. Shows how much I know about the market but that’s hard to believe. I remember some talk, instantly dismissed by anyone with half a brain, about how this would compete with this and that giant social media gorilla. And they had to know it. Taking money for stocks on this was a pure fraud. Just wow.


And into that vacuum flowed the Russians. They always look for that kind of vulnerability. You’re in debt, you can’t keep it in your pants, whatever weakness you have, they’ll exploit.


trump and truth can never go together in a sentence.


In the photo at the top of the article, fat boy looks like he can smell himself.


One other thing – successful social media platforms require iOS and Android phone apps, not just a web site portal. If Mastodon doesn’t include that, it will have to be written or licensed separately, then make it through the approval process at Apple and Google. This is what killed Parler for a while, when those companies wouldn’t carry the app. He’ll never achieve his dream of rivaling Twitter if it’s just a web site.


I just went to mastodon’s web page and looked into it a little more. The project’s sponsors are a motley group, including several sites that seem to be casino review sites. This makes sense, as it is basically Twitter for people who don’t want Twitter rules.

I don’t think the project is ready for a site at the scale of what Trump would want. I don’t think they could run a large site with this project without contributing back to it. If a small site, like “altcasino” can’t run without submitting code back to the project, then there is no way a site expecting millions of users can.


You seem to have found an exception to your rule. :wink:


It’s definitely a terrible loophole in the system, this whole SPAC thing, and this may bring a lot more SEC interest into them, but nothing apparently illegal about it to date. The investment company goes around looking for a secret deal, investors are hoping that it’s the payday one.

Don’t think that anyone envisioned that it would be exploited like this for a fake company that’s never going to deliver anything at all, just have hiccups and eventually pull the plug.


Violate a software license? Of course they did!

If there were two partking spaces available, and one was for handicapped people, Trump would direct his driver to use THAT one. Because Trump!

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