Trump’s RNC Events Officially Moved To Jacksonville, GOP Announces

GOP Chair Ronna McDaniel announced on Thursday night that the party will hold President Donald Trump’s events at the Republican National Convention (RNC) in Jacksonville, Florida.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Florida has way more COVID than they are letting on. WAY MORE.

Afternoon edit:


Yup. And let them all scream and chant until there is such a cloud of virus in the air that IMPOTUS, who will not be wearing a mask, gets a good lungful.

Yessiree, gotta love it.




Ronna’s Reborn Rona Rally!


Has Ray Ciccarelli been scheduled to introduce him yet?


She’s referring to how close GOP scientists claim it’ll be ok to be near other MAGA Morons–without one of those PC libtard masks of course–during the convention, what with Florida’s heat and Trump’s bigly magical powers scaring the virus off.

Or, perhaps, she’s referring to the depth of the many shallow graves they’ll have to dig to bury the massive numbers of dead GOP voters in the weeks and months following the election. I’m a bit fuzzy on GOP sign language.


What? They ruled out Moscow?


OT- I found this info from 538 interesting (looking into how they ‘deskew’ their polls of polls)…

The funniest part is that CNN, recently accused by His Ludicrosity, was the least “skewed” of all the major polls. :rofl:


I hope he realizes (actually, I hope he doesn’t) that there is not enough time time to set this up properly. The articles I’ve read about having “the business portions” of the convention in Charlotte “for contractual reasons” give the impression that the big show will be in the new city–now identfied as Jacksonville–as if the RNC can just pull up stakes in one place and put them down in another with only minor inconvenience. But staging a big convention is said to take months and months of work. Fitting out an arena for the specific purposes of a national political convention requires an enormous amount of physical work. This article from The Hill is among the few I’ve found that provide details of what’s involved and suggest that there’s nothing like enough time to move the whole convention:

I would love to read, come late August, that Trump had to give his me-me-me speech, and the toadies had to give their our-wonderful-leader-best-president-ever speeches, and he had to have his coronation as candidate in Jacksonville in front of a crowd that isn’t as large as he wants because the accommodations can’t be made in time and/or with not nearly enough broadband for his triumph to be streamed as widely as it would have been in Charlotte, where, meanwhile, most of the delegates are because they’re there doing the “business portions” of the convention and there isn’t a way to move them all en masse to Jacksonville. They’ll watch him on a screen and no doubt cheer him just as mightily, but it won’t be the same for him.

Or is there really some way to make the Jacksonville venue convention-ready in this short time and the people quoted in the Hill article are just nay-sayers? I keep looking for more reporting on this aspect of the convention and not finding it.


OK, they are putting 15,000 stupid and ignorant people together to scream and shout with little or no PPP in a state that is purposely undercounting the number of COVID cases. That sounds like a good idea to me as long as they only come into contact with other MAGAT’s. I do pity the healthcare workers who have to treat these assholes.


Her name is eerily prescient. And she has always looked heartless to me.




@chrismcabrera Hi, you were editing a sentence, but then you accidentally left in both versions.

This convention would be stupid to have in person even if there weren’t an inevitable conclusion.


There probably just isn’t, and the planners all know it, but they’re not going to say anything lest they infuriate dear leader. I can sense the dread in the air…or is that just the corona? :wink:


Looking forward to viewing and mocking the 2020 Republican National Covid19ention. Everyone’s welcome and leave your libtard masks at home! Hell, you might not even have to go back home. We’ll set up triage tents out back and hire only the finest Macedonian nurses!


Shh. Let the Great Culling of '20 begin!

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If not for collateral damage, I would buy them plane tickets.


Maybe you sense my anticipatory schadenfreude! I’m waiting impatiently for all the reports of the snafus and Trump’s rages when it doesn’t fit his grandiose dreams. It will be even better than the 2016 convention, which was such an amateurish affair, not all that well attended and lacking in the big stars he believed would be thrilled to come and entertain there. I thought this time he would have his big show, but this one might turn out to be even more of a mess than 2016. I can hope, anyway!