Hey, you gotta, gotta payback (the big payback) Revenge I’m mad (the big payback) Got to get back I need some get back! Payback, payback (the big payback) There it is Payback Revenge I’m mad
I peripherally know people involved in New York real estate, and from what I’ve heard from them over the years, Trump’s long, ongoing fraud is common knowledge. It’s not even an open secret, it’s simply common knowledge among a great many wealthy and influential people. I’m certain Hillary Clinton knew a whole lot more in 2016 than she was able to say. In fact, Fat Boy is such a well-known liar and a crook that whenever anyone has to include his interests in a contract the companies with the majority interests include a “Trump provision” that sticks him personally with massive penalties if he tries to pull something (in a small space like Manhattan there are hundreds of overlapping and competing interests so sometimes he might own a small piece of property that affects a much larger one). New Yorkers have known for 45 years what a piece of shit this fat clown is. Too bad no one listened to us.
trump is a GOP businessman: Google Neil Bush (one of “W”s brothers and another son of “Poppy” Bush). The word criminal pops up the most. He was pardoned by the US AG appointed by his daddy. trump’s dad is not a former US prez. May he rot in prison.
There will be no “violent payback.” The people making these threats are losers. Repeat after me - L-O-S-E-R-S. They are nobodies who’ve wasted their lives and are so completely worthless, I expect them to follow through on their threats the same way they’ve lived their useless lives - by doing nothing at all. Ignore them. You give them more attention than they deserve.
Bullshit. She only came forward when Meadows told her there was no place for her in a post-presidency. If she’d gotten the gig she wanted, she would just be hiding among the rest of the scum. Too little, too late and for all the wrong reasons. Fuck her.
Even after all this time, I’m amazed at the number of people who want to defend this racist, thieving, STUPID con man, a fraudster who’s never not been a fraudster. New Yorkers figured it out more than 30 years ago, and yet there’s a sizable number of people who still swallow anything he says.
Oh well. Evangelists and cult leaders have always existed and always know their marks. I just wish the rest of us didn’t have to deal with them.