Trump’s Allies Quickly Respond To Shooting With Conspiracy Theories, Attacks On Political Enemies

And they’ve completely stopped talking about Project 2025. Almost as if it was planned.

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Times like this, best for solid citizens like moi is to STFU.

Mark Twain said: “I never wished anyone dead, but I’ve smiled reading a few obituaries”.


Oh Kay… I am in AZ and a registered (for a while yet) democrat… Junior… you gonna blame me for this shooting cuz I won;t vote for a felon?? HMMM?? C’mon and sue me. I FUCKING DARE YOU


Slightly OT. This morning I heard an interview on NPR with a Republican representative in Congress. He says that Biden has to stop this talk of
fascism. And he makes it clear that when he says this must stop, he means Democrats are to blame for the division in the country. It is always projection by Republicans. Sigh.


This isn’t quite “oh just a flesh wound - no problem”
He was SHOT …bullets that were absolutely meant for him killed one person instantly and seriously wounded 2 others - all just several feet away from him.
If that has completely zero mental health impact on somebody … if this is just some abstract peculiar occurrence of no significance because he just got a scratch & that’s really all that matters … then there’s some other serious concerns.

The list of jobs where an incident of - but a fraction of - the severity of this would require a set of counseling sessions is quite lengthy.

It’s possible…did you not notice all the despair among Democrats that Biden had lost the election with the debate? All the people decrying that Biden can’t win, that Trump will be president and ruin the country, force out LGBT and immigrants, and so on? If you’re a 20 year old and new to all this, it sounds totally extreme…if you have a vested interest in Trump not being president, that could easily drive you to do something about it if you saw a chance.

None of that makes it the fault of any Democrat that he took a shot at Trump…no one could have predicted that would happen from Democrats wailing in disarray and despair. It’s the same thing that happens from the right, though the rhetoric is far more violent and aimed at taking out liberals. It’s an indictment of our society’s lack of coherent gun regulation and mental health support more than anything else.

We’ll get a motive at some point, maybe…if he didn’t say/write anything and there isn’t a connection to a group Project 2025 will hunt down then we may never know. I’m just glad he wasn’t an antifa member, it says something that they immediately faked that information…a tiny donation to Act Blue and Republican registration makes it a wash without more information what his motive might have been, he could have been a never Trumper for all we know. I just hope the FBI is able to get the information quickly and tamp down the rumor mongering…it won’t stop people like Greene from claiming Biden sent him, but at least reasonable people will understand what drove him, and that might make them think about their vote depending on the reason.

The Republican convention is going to be all about the violence of liberals though, be prepared for us to be portrayed as the truly evil ones bent on taking the nation over. It would not surprise me if they go back to Jan 6th being done by liberals (but somehow the people who led it and are locked up will still be political prisoners). Fear is the Republican’s best weapon, and now they have an event they can point to that “shows” liberals are the one doing the violence…it’s not true of course, and Republicans will become even more violent in their speech in the next few months.

The kid might have thought he was a hero saving the nation, but it’s very likely he just gave Trump an easier path to victory…this is why violence like this is always a bad thing.

I don’t think there will be any “sympathy” vote for this fucking POS.

I hate that the shooting happened as I do not want violence to become an accepted form of political discourse.

But it’s not been the Democrats screaming for shit like this. Or lax gun laws.

Fuck them.


We don’t know if he was actually wounded by the bullet or flying shards of plexigas.

Of course, they (the RWNJ’s) will claim it was a bullet wound. The truth will never be known.

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That is quite a long post. Most of the questions you are trying to answer haven’t even been asked yet. Was the post pre-written?

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The only true organized antifa people I ever knew were my dad and several million of his closest friends. They fought the NAZIs, Italian Fascists and the Japanese Fascists from 1939–1945. They won and were discharged from the military. Since most of them are dead, could you point me to somebody who is an organized antifa? Didn’t think so. Antifa isn’t a real organization. It is a boogie man created by the right and propagated by mainstream media clucks who don’t know better.


Yes, I heard Congressman Mike Kelly yesterday deploring this violence and pontificating about how we must all unite and behave like good Americans. This from someone who voted against certifying the entirely free and fair 2020 election. It’s hard to listen to entreaties about unity and democracy from people who have no respect for the rule of law.


Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, from Bethel Park, Pennsylvania.

  • Was a registered Republican - Yes or No … this seems pretty straightforward… all signs indicate that that was the box he checked when he registered to vote two years ago.

  • Was mentally disturbed - Yes or No - again pretty straightforward…

Just like all of the following were fucking nuts! They were not representative of any political party or group:

Mark David Chapman
John Hinckley Jr.
Squeaky Fromme
Sara Jane Moore
Arthur Bremer
James Earl Ray
The Beltway killers

And on and on - these were mentally unstable individuals - these weren’t “otherwise normal” people - even if they may have fooled various people in their life.

The effort, by some, to tie any of this to some political party or group is entirely disgusting.

From the guy who:

– Circulated a picture of Joe Biden bound in the back of a pickup truck

– Circulated a picture of Hillary Clinton in the crosshairs of a rifle scope…

– (Suggested removing BLM protesters from church grounds for a photo op with the line), “Can’t we just shoot 'em?”…

From the folks who cheered the applause lines:

– “…knock the crap out of them. I’ll pay the legal fees,”

– “I love the old days, you know what they used to do to guys like that when they were in a place like this? They’d be carried out in a stretcher, folks, I’d like to punch him in the face, I’ll tell you.”

– “When you guys put somebody in the car and you’re protecting their head, you know, the way you put their hand over? I said, you can take the hand away, okay?”

– “You’ve got to fight like hell, or you’re not going to have a country anymore.”…

So when they all scream:

– “Political violence has no place here”…

– “Joe Biden’s talk about Trump caused this”

– “Deep state…”

– “… not an isolated incident.”

Don’t be fooled. These people are not to be believed. It’s all projection, and is laughably disingenuous.

Double down on the truth: Trump is a felonious, lying, cheating, wannabe dictator who intends to shred the Constitution. That isn’t hateful speech, it’s just fact.

All the more reason to vote blue & convince your friends & neighbors to, as well.


Greene wrote, adding, “President Trump said “FIGHT,” SO WE WILL!!”

Atta girl, Marj. Go shoot somebody.

That’ll help.


"This nearly decade-long eruption has coincided with "

…the election of a black man as POTUS after 60 years of Southern Strategy used to perpetuate generational Confederate cultural resentments, white supremacy and Christian nationalism, coupled with its deliberately manufactured symbiosis with the NRA.


Biden’s as good as shot already. Mark it.


““Today is not just some isolated incident. The central premise of the Biden campaign is that President Donald Trump is an authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at all costs,” Vance wrote. “That rhetoric led directly to President Trump’s attempted assassination.””

He said before turning to rhetoric that Biden is destroying the country on purpose, plans to cheat and rig the election, particularly by importing brown people to let them vote illegally in order to hasten the Great Replacement, and that Biden’s re-election will mark the beginning of the end for all of “western civilization.”


As I predicted this election is going to be insane,


…the NRA biased by Russia.


Hillbilly Vance is from Ohio, “western civilization” left there a long time ago.


Uh, no, everything I write here is written directly before posting, and written by me (excepting things I quote of course).