Trump’s Allies Quickly Respond To Shooting With Conspiracy Theories, Attacks On Political Enemies

And he was not a sniper. It’s crazy he was able to get by USSS security measures.

While all this gets kicked around and sorted out, I’m gonna go walk the dog.


150 yards is within the range of an AR. A rally goer commented that if he hadn’t turned his head to look at the teleprompter, he would not have been so lucky. He was gesturing towards a chart that no one but TFG could see. “Look at this.”


Sniper needs accuracy not just range. Unless you’re just firing into a crowd like the guy in Vegas…


From MTG…

“Someone just tried to ASSASSINATE President Trump. The Democrats and the media are to blame for every drop of blood spilled today. For years and years, they’ve demonized him and his supporters. Today, someone finally tried to take out the leader of our America First and the greatest President of all time,” Greene wrote, adding, “President Trump said “FIGHT,” SO WE WILL!!”
… … … … … … …
Umm,Marge? Did’ja know the shooter was a registered republican?
And trump is NOT president.


One would hope.


An AR .223 does considerable damage when hitting solidly. Shattered glass make sense to me. But then this was not a “solid hit”. Just the barest nick if a bullet.

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All the attention whores will be out in force. And they’ll suffer no consequences, no loss of credibility.


Reposting from a thread started yesterday:
I think we’re all getting a foretaste of the right attacking the Dems for their anti-Trump rhetoric and adverts while ratcheting up their own inflammatory messaging.
I think the long and the short of it will be that nothing will change; as, I don’t expect the Dems are gonna knuckle under to that double standard.
ETA: Well, I certainly fucking hope not.


Yeah, as best I can tell, it started last night with Don, Jr., attributing the attempted shooting to “the left.”
I think he fits the bill.


Hey marge, you’re still not getting the vp slot on tsf’s ticket.


Being registered R to vote doesn’t mean anything. Pennsylvania is a closed primary state. Maybe he wanted the chance to try and nominate someone else on the R side. Doubt it would change much if anything even if he was some Republican fanboi gone rouge. The R party is already infighting over who is or isn’t sufficiently loyal.


This Trauma will continue to affect Mr. Trump. If he does not experience some form of PTSD after escaping an assassin’s bullet, he is suffering from a severe disconnect from reality, which he has already displayed. We can now expect an even angrier, meaner Trump and company, if that is possible.


Well, it does mean MAGA will have an uphill battle asserting “Dems fired the first shot in the second civil war” narrative. Which is not nothing.


No pyrotechnics at the convention.

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Hard for people with rational minds, ergo…

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Yeah, all very convenient. Like a reality TV show where the prize is an entire country to destroy.


Reagan’s assassination attempt was in late March of 1981. He had only just gotten in office. Maybe it made the Nation follow him blindly after that, but it was at the beginning of his term. Stagnation wasn’t a thing, yet.


And-of-course, at the idiot pages of the NYT’s comment screeds, they’re making much ado about Crook’s 2021 $15 donation to a left-leaning organization: He was 16 or 17, still in highschool.


The Antifa stuff is all false, if not false flag! Here’s this from the AP—

ROME, July 14 (Reuters) - An Italian sports journalist said on Sunday he would take legal action after being falsely identified on social media as the suspected shooter in an [assassination attempt] against U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump.A message shared widely on the X platform reads: “Per the Butler Police Department the Trump shooter has been arrested at the scene and has been identified as Mark Violets, an Antifa member.”


My WAG is that Trump got hit by a shard of plexiglass but finds the bullet claim a much better story.