Trump Rushes McSally At AZ Rally: ‘They Don’t Want To Hear This, Martha’ | Talking Points Memo

Oooh, good point…he’s right up there too in my book. JG died in 1995 right after I saw my first Dead show in college and that was hard enough. Maybe these guys will prove immortal…

I dunno about the circle…but the chain…

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And Little Feat still puts out some good music but it ain’t the same without Lowell George.
And I never really (I mean really, really) appreciated what Glenn Campbell could do with a guitar until after his death. I was a young hippie freak when Glenn was on the charts and his music was too Establishment for me. I later watched an interview with one of Glenn’s best friends, Alice Cooper. They were golfing buddies. He told the story of getting pulled over for speeding and the look on the officer’s face when he realized he pulled over Glenn Cambell and Alice Cooper in the same car. Ah, the things you don’t notice until it’s too late…


She’s losing and trump’s backing or not won’t make a difference. At least she could have given him the finger, and told him to FO. Then gone home to a glass of wine and the knowledge that for the first time in her life, some people like and admire her.

Ahh… The Spectrum. Been there many times.


Look at all those people waiting hours and hours to vote for him.

Tyrone and Maurice don’t like being dissed. They’ll see you in the shower, Flabass.

Joe is not afraid to surround himself with smart people and listen to them.

What a concept.


He may have just been eager to get on to his own thing and she was in the way.

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Several things were brought to light during this campaign stop.

Everyone knows McSally is going to lose. Trump won’t back losers.
It was fairly obvious that Ducey will run for the Senate spot that Kelly will hold for two years. Trump/GOP will back Ducey.
Ducey has been kissing Trump’s butt to get the backing for his future Senate run. So Az opened up too early and too fast. Thousands died.

Poor Martha was all but kicked to the curb. She’s got more hair on her head than Mark Kelly, but he’s got character and Gabby, and very likely a Senate seat in his future.


That is the assumption, obviously. I expect Biden to have a stellar cabinet. I would like to see some surprises, just as Obama did with Steve Chu and Samatha Power.

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Me too.

MAGAt = coward. The proof? They’ll kill to avoid having their dumb-white-male privilege overturned. Hunter S Thompson called it.

Sorry to be graphic here, but: no one wants to fuck Trump. Not even Ivanka or Melania.

Shank him, that might be another story…


They run once their ‘tactical’ walki-talki battery dies

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Steve being a surprise I can understand – but why Samantha?

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Obsequious Martha McPutin kissed his a$$ for four years, but got put in a spot by the moderator of her debate with Mark Kelly, who asked her to publicly express her support for tRump. She was damned if she did and damned if she didn’t and we saw the damnation in Goodyear.

F*ck her.


I thought it was pretty bold to pick a 42-year-old as UN Ambassador. That’s the youngest ever. I’d like to see a similar youth contingent in US foreign policymaking and the rebuilding of the State Department. Diplomacy is way cheaper than armed conflict.


Fair point and it answers my question.



the crying of president 45?


Excellent little book.

I’m not sure about your sequel.


Good luck with that.

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