Trump Revenge Race In Virginia Too Close To Call

Like washing down a dose of ipecac with a glasss of scotch. It quickly loses my interest to log in.

That’s quite the cocktail.


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Morning Memo comment thread


Good but it should be more like 80:18 and is still be like "WTF is wrong with people?!?!?!’


Not too far off from what Christians did as Jesus was certainly not born in winter. Sometimes coopting local religious holidays took precedence over historically accurate dates.


…and why this is Bad News for Biden. :roll_eyes:


Independent voters


Turns out there is a not insignificant number of voters unwilling to vote for a convicted felon. Maybe the media should have considered that before collectively declaring Trump’s conviction a nothingburger.


To me it ruins any aspect of truth in the Gospels they claim as Word of God. Mess with historical accuracy and lose me as a believer.

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Contributes to the media appetite for horse race. The media don’t care who wins, just how much money they can make from the story, real or imagined.


I come to TPM for the morning memo comments section and community. I wouldn’t need a prime membership otherwise


They are now.


Nope. The demand that they conduct a cleaner war than anybody else is imaginary.

“Everyone else” is criticized, both mercilessly and rightfully, for doing shit like dropping cluster bombs on Baghdad despite them being banned by international law and Iraq having nothing to do with 9-11. And Russia’s bullshit in Ukraine, or things like the chemical weapons in Syria, are also correctly shat upon. The list is endless. Falsely pretending to being singled out is just a way of trying to leverage victimhood.

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Love it. They’ll want sooo badly to try to prove they’re fine with it, but sitting them in the room with that sign would be like sitting a crack addict in the room with crack on the table on the other side of it…they’d be itchin’ and twitchin’ to get up and do something about the sign within seconds.


The area we should worry most about becoming uninhabitable: the oceans.

Haha…some are genuinely good (I’m a fan of anything from Dogfish Head for example), but everyone is correct: the trend-chasers overdo it and turn everything into grapefruit juice made solely with the rinds. Plus, I like getting a buzz as much as the next idiot American, but 9%-12% beer is really pushing towards stupidly useless, especially in the middle of summer at a show.


Yes. I do realize that. That’s why I’m saying that their continued successes are eventually going to result in the kind of backlash we need now, but which everyone will wait to engage in until it’s too late because it wouldn’t be “proper” to do it now.

Good haha. That means my plan is working…muahahahaha…

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Or perhaps Limbo, the first circle of Hell, where you are vaguely aware there exists something better, but it is out of reach and you can’t get your money back.


The Medium Place. only moreso

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In today’s parlance would Limbo be Bleh?

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