Trump Revenge Race In Virginia Too Close To Call

The Mann Act is a truly reactionary anti-sex law. Historically, it was largely used against consensual behavior, often against Blacks, to wit, destroying the career of Little Richard. Yes, prostitution is illegal in most plsces, but since it seeks to regulate consensual behavior, it shouldn’t be. And it is selectively enforced as it is, almost entirely against the working class and poor. But it makes political fodder for those real or fake moralists who want to get elected, to go after political opponents, or just don’t anything better to do.


This makes Judge Cannon look far worse. She was asked twice -once by the Chief Judge of the district- to decline taking the documents case. Other judges knew of her inexperience but nope she jumped right in and is in the bag for DJT.

Judge in Trump Documents Case Rejected Suggestions to Step Aside - The New York Times (

From the piece,

The chief judge — an appointee of former President George W. Bush — is said to have made a more pointed argument: It would be bad optics for Judge Cannon to oversee the trial because of what had happened during the criminal investigation that led to Mr. Trump’s indictment on charges of illegally retaining national security documents after leaving office and obstructing government efforts to retrieve them.


Remind me: Who did Iraq and Ukraine attack?

I am in favor of repealing any old law, left unenforced for a century or more.

But lets start with ones that just hauled out of retirement (if they were ever actually applied at all) and only applied selectively to get a specific right-wing result.


Deflection. The question is not whether Israel has a right to defend itself and pretending that’s what this is about is a way of avoiding the real issue, which is the question of HOW. Pretending that criticisms of HOW are attacks on WHETHER they have the right to do ANYTHING in the first place is pure dishonesty. My examples were directed squarely at criticisms of the MANNER in which other countries have conducted their “war” operations…cluster bombs, chemical weapons, Russians murdering Christians in Ukraine to try to blame it on Ukraine, etc. Israel’s decades long history of both indiscriminate wholesale slaughter and deliberative, targeted slaughter and things like blocking aid to civilians and purposefully targeting and destroying hospitals and schools in order to force diaspora are a problem. Their responses are consistently wildly disproportionate. They of course have a right to retaliate and seek Hamas’ destruction, but 30,000+ civilians deaths? Anyone who thinks that is justified or excusable can go fuck themselves right off the edge of the universe.

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But you love the Phillies, right?

So what should have been the proportíonate response to to the loss of 2400 individuals at Pearl Harbor?

Is decades of ‘indiscriminate wholesale slaughter’ another versíon of Israel is committing genocide? The only genocide project in history where the attacked population not only grew but had average life spans?

An analogy so broken as to be adorable. Let me know when Palestinians have managed to amass a standing army and military capabilities that have them on the cusp of succeeding in taking over the Middle East and moving on the rest of the continents of Europe and Asia.