Trump Revenge Race In Virginia Too Close To Call



This is all a result of a poor testing protocol.

The disappointment in the new format is how much of it didn’t work within the first 24 hours and how much of it STILL doesn’t work three days later (specifically, the comments threads that aren’t working right).


It’s a weird system if every new article has to be manually turned on for comments. That was occasionally a problem before this new upgrade.

I understand why TPM wouldn’t want everything posted to be open to comments, like the EdBlog. But you’d think it would work the other way around. Default to open comments and then manually turn off the few that need to be disabled.


I just emailed site issues about today’s MM comments not working.

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Shares of Donald Trump’s social media company dropped more than 10 percent Thursday in premarket trading three weeks after his conviction on 34 felony counts.

Trump Media shares have slumped since a jury found the former president guilty, and the value of Trump’s stake in the company has plummeted from more than $5.6 billion to $3.2 billion since then, reported CNBC.


Jackie’s reply to my email about it:

Thanks for reaching out and for being a member! I appreciate your flagging that to us. I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. Comment threads for the moment need to be spawned manually. I’ve let our team know and they will get those working ASAP.





A careful reading of Scripture will show that Jesus was not born in December but rather April or May. Lambing does not happen typically in the dead of winter and that’s just one observation from a guy who tended sheep as a kid. The Romans moved Jesus’s birth to happen near the celebration of one of their gods in December as a matter of convenience.


Thank you!

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Did you also mention that none of the recently posted articles have working comments? Nothing since yesterday’s MM?

Thanks for this, as the new story about the SCOTUS decision on taxes and income is also not set up properly for comments.

That story is pretty good. Gorsuch got smacked down. Gotta love it.


No, I didn’t but will keep an eye out as new pieces are posted today.

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Maybe people are finally starting to pay attention. Still tied but it is good to see Biden with a slight edge.


I for one appreciate the difficulty that can be presented by unavoidable dependencies on large software functionality, and I appreciate that keeping subscription prices reasonable in such a small (but scrappy!) org means that some risks cannot be fully absorbed without additional support. Perhaps consider your frustration to be a donation to the Save TPM from the Revenge of Discobot emergency fund.


I just notified site issues about the comments being disabled on that SCOTUS decision piece. It is a good read.

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For my wet blanket post of the day, I’ll point out that while it’s nice to see Biden leading in a national poll, this election will probably be determined in just six swing states. Which sucks, but it’s where we are with the current system. To the extent that polls mean anything, and it’s still early, those are the ones to watch.

The good news for Biden is that the economy is in reasonably good shape, and the Gaza war may be winding down. It’s mostly upside for him between now and November, barring any health emergency or “October Surprise” of some kind.

Trump on the other hand, is going to go through some things. There is the sentencing in the NY case soon, and there is a chance the J6 trial may actually begin, if not conclude, before the election.


you can toggle that left menu bar on and off by clicking on the three gray lines icon above it (next to the words “THE HIVE”

apparently those three lines are called a hamburger. OR a cheeseburger. or something.

When TIFBG wins the case in SCOTUS on his claims of immunity, I think the needle may well move more toward his re-election. The guy HAS to be seen as a criminal by the voting population. Even kicking the can down the road, as has been suggested will happen within the next 10 - 14 days, will be a victory for TIFBG and may well solidify his position.

A pessimistic view, for sure, but inevitable if SCOTUS doesn’t smack him down in one-syllable words.

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I gave up yesterday – while I could use laptop to access TPM articles, I couldn’t use mobile access. And no reading of comments on anything. Tried the “magic link.” Twice, to no avail.

No disrespect to technical people, but using terms like Comment threads for the moment need to be spawned manually, don’t help matters.

TPM suddenly has become aversion therapy. Like washing down a dose of ipecac with a glasss of scotch. It quickly loses my interest to log in.


Yes, I am fervently hoping that SCOTUS kicks it back down to Chutkan. She has signaled she will forego her vacation and immediately start the clock.

What has always been missing, and Chump achieves marvelously with his delay tactics…is sworn findings of fact. There are tales out of school, innuendo, things we are pretty sure about, were covered by journalistic reporting…but not actual findings of fact. And since most of our justices system is required to be silent during investigations…that means Chump gets to own the airwaves for months and years. With the currently ongoing cases, the prosecutors are holding a lot of evidence they are obliged to remain silent about…and also they need to be quiet about things to preserve their strategy and not tip their hand to the defense.

For anyone paying the slightest attention, whatever facts get produced by these trials are gobbled up. That doesn’t help change the know-nothings’ minds…but it helps everyone else make a decision. Chutkan can be instrumental in getting many of these facts into the public realm, even if a verdict isn’t reached. I would also hope that it reflects so badly on Rs as a whole that the focus wouldn’t be solely on Chump either, but also all the elected enablers still in congress and running for election in Nov.