Trump Revenge Race In Virginia Too Close To Call

That could indeed be it. Those facts plus some hysteria…

Thanks very much  : - )

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You might think so, but our AG is Merrick the Meek.


Check out wet bulb temperature.

Current thinking is 87° at 100% humidity, 100° at 60% humidity…


Yes … had not considered the impact of humidity - interesting, your figures give credibility to that old cliche
“Oh, but it is a DRY heat”

Lichens are a symbiotic association of a fungus and an alga or cyanobacteria. One biologist characterized lichens as fungi that have discovered agriculture. Algae don’t generally take up starches from their environment, but fungi do. It’s possible that cornstarch would provide a nutritional resource for the fungi which would increase their growth rate. It’s also entirely possible that the fungal component is unable to metabolize cornstarch. It’s certainly the case that yeasts (a fungus) cannot metabolize every starch they meet. Simple sugars are easily metabolizable…which is why we use malted barley to provide enzymes to break down starches in beer wort, rather than relying on the yeast to do its own work.

I hope someone keeps a careful eye on the lichens at Stonehenge to see how they respond.


Another normal day in HouTX.
At 9am it’s 81° and 88% humidity-- rising to 89° this afternoon.


LOVING the new TPM comments section. Much less to read.


Currently in DC, 80 and 62% humidity. Dry heat!


Consider the current Hajj going on in Mecca Saudi Arabia. I read the temperature was 122 in the shade of the Grand Mosque!! Something over 600 pilgrims have died from the heat in the last couple days. Today’s temp there projected to be 51.4 C. Or around 125 degrees.


Current count is 1000 out of 1.83M.


The dry heat cools down considerably if there is a clear sky with no cloud cover. We can see 100+ drop down to 58 overnight. Then I get up early and turn on the swamp cooler to get ahead of the coming day.
If there is cloud cover and the humidity is high, the temp will stay up in the 80 degree range all night. So far it looks like the well insulated house with surrounding shade trees will manage the coming summer. But who knows? Yesterday the wind kicked up and blew in a dust storm that closed the interstates with zero visibility. That raised some hell with the wild fires burning around Ruidoso and Capitan. (NM) We hope the tropical storm and hurricane activity will blow up some moisture. I have several projects that are not going to get worked on after 10am now. It’s just too damn hot.


Popular place. I wonder why the Hajj is during the hottest part of the year. The Muslim calendar cycles I know but it seems to me the date could be adjusted so many people do not cook to death.

Remember to stay indoors between 11 a.m. and November 1st.


I’m beginning to think it’s a feature not a bug.

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Why not move Jesus’ birthday in the Fall when the weather is nicer rather than have it on Saturnalia?


The utter failure of the new comment system should result in a lot of refunds of membership dues—or a big extension of the membership term.


I am about ready to give up on TPM. Comments on MM are not working, there is a blue dot over a thought bubble at the top which was never there before, the left margin is full of stuff that was usually in a drop down at the top right. Maybe I am just old and cranky but the last maintenance/update has me scratching my head.


This is a fun rabbit hole.

As I was reading this, I thought it felt an awful lot like that disabled lady’s story from AZ and sure enough…they are intertwined.

A newly pardoned Mike Flynn and his brother were running discount-store Black Ops trying to find someone/anyone to file affidavits that ballots were being slushed around to tip the 2020 election.



Whoever does the Discourse back-end stuff has never heard of beta-testing.
Or leaving well-enough alone.


I’m going to miss the mild temps in the Pacific Northwest when we move to South FL soon. Where I am now, the high today will be 69 F. Humidity will be 81% but it doesn’t feel like it with temps that mild.

Where we’re moving in FL, today’s high will be 86 F with 77% humidity. Ugh. I grew up there so at one point I was acclimated to that kind of environment, spent a lot of time outdoors. But I don’t know if I can recover that. At least the winters are comfortable.