Originally published at: Trump Retribution Loyalist Kash Patel Confirmed As FBI Director Amid Questions About Perjury - TPM – Talking Points Memo
The Republican-controlled Senate confirmed Kash Patel as FBI Director in a 51-49 vote Thursday, despite his obvious loyalty to President Donald Trump’s retribution agenda and amid lingering questions about whether he perjured himself during his confirmation hearing. Sens. Susan Collins (R-ME) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) were the only Republican senators to oppose Patel’s confirmation. In…
Not really surprised at this point…
But still…I need to take a nap. A nice four year long nap.
I’m having a hard time deciding which of tRump’s cabinet members are more vile. It’s not usually this hard … but Kash Patel? Running the FBI? Wow.
Nope. Just imagine the very worst you can possibly imagine and then make that 10 time more worse.
Not even perjury mattered to the Senate.
Those security details that have been removed?? Here we go, down the highest hill of the roller coaster that will crash at the bottom, finally gutting the Republic.
Perhaps the companies that produce brown shirts, armbands, and jackboots will goose (step) the economy.
What is so ominous about Patel is much of his time will be dedicated towards retribution of perceived enemies, which is basically the entire Democratic Party. The time our Democratic leaders (and potential up and coming leaders) spend personally defending themselves will be time taken away from figuring out how to oppose tRump and win in 2026.
Republicans in Congress and Faux viewers have long since been unable to tell the difference between overt and blatant lies and any truth or fact. Rupert has rewired their brains to accept perfect bilge and utter ridiculousness as the gospel truth. They are really beyond hope. All we can do is vote them out of office and keep ridiculing the dumbass Trumpers around us until we can take the country back from the brink.
I hear Susan Collins was concerned.
ETA. But not quite concerned enough to lobby her fellow rethugs to kill the nomination.
Constant liars have warm fuzzy feelings about other constant liars, I guess.
Republicans own this one, just like all the other bad nominations that went through. When Patel goes off on actual witch-hunts and starts arresting and harassing people, they need to be held to account for the abuse of the justice system that they have set in motion. You don’t let a maniac like Patel have the ability to investigate and ruin people’s lives, he’s the kind that will do it, even to the most timid of his critics.
I can’t wait for the show trials to start.
Also everybody will be distracted from the usual FBI things, like investigations into actual criminals.
This dude better watch the fuck out. When his party falls out of power he’s going to discover that all the criminal shit he plans on doing won’t be soon forgotten.
FTFS! (translation available)
I don’t hold out much hope for that sort of thing with Democrats. It’s just NOT in their DNA to wield power like that. Merrick Garland is a perfect example. He just wanted to restore institutional norms and how to shuffle papers properly on his desk. Democrats largely do not seem to have the ability to understand and navigate the political environment they are in. They just revert to default (norms and process) and hope the other side will eventually acquiesce and go along. It’s never going to happen.
As far as the GQP falling out of power, if what we’ve seen so far is any indicator, they don’t plan on falling out of power anytime soon.
I dunno why but my mood is strange. I have Jethro Tull in my head…
"As I did walk by Hampstead Fair
I came upon Mother Goose
So I turned her loose–
She was screaming
And a foreign student said to me
Was it really true
There are elephants, lions too
In Piccadilly Circus?
Walked down by the bathing pond
To try and catch some sun
Saw at least a hundred school girls
Sobbing into handkerchiefs as one
I don’t believe they knew
I was a schoolboy
And a bearded lady said to me
If you start your raving
And your misbehaving
You’ll be sorry
And the chicken fancier came to play
With his long red beard
And his sister’s weird–
She drives a lorry
Laughed down by the putting green
I popped 'em in their holes
Four and twenty labourers were labouring
And digging up their gold
I don’t believe they knew
That I was Long John Silver
Saw Johnny Scarecrow make his rounds
In his jet black mac
Which he won’t give back–
Stole it from a snowman
As I did walk by Hampstead Fair
I came upon Mother Goose
So I turned her loose–
She was screaming
Walked down by the bathing pond
To try and catch some sun
Must have been least a hundred school girls
Sobbing into handkerchiefs as one
I don’t believe they knew
I was a schoolboy"
… … … …
Dunno why but it seems to fit…
Provided we can keep the vote. I don’t see Congress doing anything to stop the First Felon from issuing an edict/Exec Order that limits the vote to white men only, if enough time passes and the Congress doesn’t finally call a stop to this nonsense.
The election is about 20 months away. When you see what’s been accomplished in one month, we have 20 more to go through to get to an election.
Who’s going to hold them to account? Have they been held to account for anything so far? I’m not sure there’s a mechanism out there, other than an election more than a year and a half away, that would hold anyone in Congress to account.
Town halls? They’ll make sure, as they did in previous elections, that only favorable comment is made or heard. These protests that are being planned need to be a whole lot louder to get through that bubble.