Trump Refocuses On Pennsylvania To Shore Up Reelection | Talking Points Memo

Pennsylvania, as Carville would say, is Philadelphia and Pittsburgh separated by Alabama.

The battle will be fought in the suburbs, specifically with suburban women. If Biden can hold them, he will win.


Ugh… is that where he is today? Good thing I didn’t plan on leaving the house…


My parents live in the Pennsyltucky part of Pennsylvania and they’re afraid to put a Biden sign up on their lawn for fear of being shot.


I’m really curious about the potential of the shy Biden voter - not shy in terms of polls, but shy about being openly pro Biden in red country.
I was speaking about this with a buddy who lives in another part of Georgia. Honestly, I wouldn’t put a Biden sticker on my car or one out on my yard. It would be miserable and rife with the potential of property damage and unpleasant encounters.
I know it sounds cravenly, but I also know I am far from being the only Dem living in deep red county who feels this way.


Trumper does Not have a record to run on!
He has a rap sheet of crimes against Americans!!!


I literally just posted about this.

Same, same here.


My common sense can be highly suspect - there are witnesses who will testify to this.
However, it baffles me as to how Biden isn’t going to have a wider margin of victory in PA.
Sure the old addage of "Philly in the east… Pittsburgh in the west …and Alabama in the middle. " still applies … but cmon…

  • Biden born in Scranton
  • thinking traditional Republicans are holding their noses and scheduling golf dates on Nov 3
  • Tom Ridge … Charlie Dent … etc
  • motivated Democrats … heck they got the vote out for the gov!

The horsepower should be there … but the real threat in PA would seem to be sabotage of the process to a point where the GOP argues for selection of electors by the rubes and hicks of the GOP dominated legislature


State law says they can’t do that.


There are probably a lot more “shy” Biden voters than we think. I’m sure there are quite a few Trump voters who might be ashamed that they’re planning to vote for him because they know he is a terrible president and a worse human being, but they have that one issue that they can’t let go of. Maybe it’s abortion, or taxes, or whatever… But those people won’t get Trump even close to closing the gap.


A relative was thinking about constructing a large Biden sign for his rural reddish swing state property. I asked him how he was going to make it bulletproof. He decided against it and is now a shy Biden voter.


Quite possibly, but Florida is still the old Florida. With a Pro-fascist governor trying to legalize vehicular homicde.


Put one up, but with a camera with enough resolution to read license plates.

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You nailed it. We will be seeing more of this type of propaganda until the election. This and the “fear the RW they will destroy us” line.


Nah, if the Trump campaign does anything they’ll try to challenge the mail-in votes in court to get them all tossed. Probably will be a moot point if the state gets called for Biden on election night, but we’ll have to see how that goes.

They’re not stupid enough to do that because it would cause lots of down-ballot Repubs to lose.


I put a Biden sign on my gate, (gate is 5/8 of a mile from my house), my neighbor put a small trumper sigh across the road from my gate.
The first time I saw it I just started laughing out loud, these people are nuts!


Trump is running scared. Let’s not forget that. Everything he does is his brain screaming at him to win so he stays out of prison.

With that said, I have never seen a more engaged electorate. Seriously, the lines for early voting in DuPage County (Chicago suburb) were snaking around the block at the Fairgrounds. And this particular county, once reliably in the GOP’s hands, is trending Team Blue. I don’t think DuPage (and other similar counties) are an anomaly. If nothing else, Donnie has zapped us out of a civic lethargy into vigorous action.

Jennifer Rubin has a great column about our power as voters:

Here’s the last graf, which should give us a bit of hope:

Let’s stop the silly moaning that “Republicans cannot be stopped” or that “the right will own the Supreme Court for decades.” Nonsense. Ultimately, the people decide — and there is every reason to believe that the people have no stomach for a Republican world in which millions lose health-care coverage, abortion is criminalized in many states, LGBTQ rights are undone, states can eviscerate voting rights and the executive branch gets a free pass to do whatever it pleases.

We as Dems (And as voters) need to stop giving away our agency so easily and cheaply. We do have a lot of power. Let’s use it.


This election may be closer than we like so every vote cast for Biden must count.
Democrats should find a way to inform people how to avoid mistakes. It could be printed brochures instead of ads, but we need to make every vote count and avoid ballots being rejected.

Black North Carolina voters are seeing their ballots rejected at twice the rate of white residents in North Carolina, a study by a University of Florida (UF) elections expert reported.

Black voters in the state are seeing around 4 percent of ballots rejected. Voter advocates say this is because a higher proportion of Black voters are voting by mail for the first time, leading to minor mistakes that nullify votes.
Elections officials report the three most common mistakes leading to ballot rejection are omitted signatures, lack of a witness signature, or blank address lines, according to Bloomberg.


We had this same discussion about Wisconsin the other day. While the legislature could possibly change the law, I doubt if the governor would sign it. Besides, it would be difficult to make any law passed after the election apply to the election already held – post facto and all that.


Fair enough.

Though when dealing with Trump and his minions, saying, “They’re not stupid enough to _________” is typically a bad bet to make.