The 1 million were K-Pop fans who were trolling him. The whole GOP establishment fell for it hook, line and sinker.
Tell me again about how all those liberal snowflakes are suppressing the freedom of speech for true patriots.
It would take an imaginary army of leftist AntiFa to frighten away an imaginary 1-million Trump rally-goers. Or maybe one little old lady in a tee-shirt.
Not sure if you’ve seen the vids, but there’s a group that travels in Europe to play sad comic tuba music to mock the neo-Nazis when they hold marches. It’s hilarious and highly effective. The crowd just starts laughing at the skin-head losers.
Can you also post an image of the dismantled stage outside? That’s the real killer. Last I saw, the railings were packed in the bed of a truck!
I’m shocked, I tell you. I’m just shocked Cambridge Analytica didn’t suspect anything when Amanda Huginkiss, Barb Dwyer, and Cam Payne started ordering tickets on their Greenlight card.
The campaign has been sending out mass texts begging (begging, like a dog) local supporters to come to the rally. HAHAHAHAHA!!!
I love that they claim protesters won’t be tolerated, but then try to blame non-existent protesters for keeping people out of the arena.
Are you too weak to stand up to the protesters, or not popular enough to pull a crowd?
Haywood Jablome and Jack Mehoff ordering 250 tickets each should have been a dead giveaway.
So how does this pathetic turnout impact future rallies? I gotta think he’ll be reluctant to be humiliated like this again anytime soon.
Mish-mash of a speech. All his old faves brought out for a re-airing. Tired, stupid and sad.
Only if your daughter was playing Rapunzel.
I don’t think Pascale ever claimed he had sold huge numbers of tickets. The tickets were free, you just had to register online and agree to the virus liability waiver to get a free ticket.
A big part of these events is harvesting email addresses and phone numbers. They “oversell” free tickets to make sure the event is packed, hopefully with some overflow. Didn’t happen here. Trump must be furious.
Once they revoked her ticket she was trespassing.
She’s the one who scared all of the feral Chiselin’ Trumpsters away?!?
Bwa ha ha ha ha ha!
Good God did Team Trumptard get absolutely played tonight.
Every time you think they can’t possibly look more incompetent or like bigger clowns, they manage to do so easily. Playas, ya been played! Hahahaha! A glorious week continues!
Oh my god he had to cancel the speech? That is sooo delicious!
A JFK moment for our era - where were you when Brad said 800,000 (free) tickets!
I was on the toilet.
The speech or Trump? Or both?
Not wearing the flag of the US—the stars & bars.