The President is planning on big-footing an early voting site in Florida on Thursday, holding a rally at the same location and potentially causing traffic delays, election officials said.
The rally, in the north parking lot of Raymond James Stadium, will not violate the 150-foot barrier established by Florida law prohibiting politicking near a polling site.
Sometime the local officials are going to have to put their big boy pants on and say “No!”. The President/campaign is being a fuckwad, and the rest of the county’s residents shouldn’t have to have their voting rights delayed, deterred, of deferred by his actions. It’s fucking Tampa forchristssake, they don’t have another air field or unused football practice field the President can use?
sounds like a great time and place for a balloon parade.
I think 50 would suffice to make a point.
wish I was a rich kid, I would do it in a heartbeat.
The rally, in the north parking lot of Raymond James Stadium, will not violate the 150-foot barrier established by Florida law prohibiting politicking near a polling site.