Trump Openly Calculating His Abortion Messaging

After Donald Trump’s disdain for Ron DeSantis prompted him to declare that he thinks the six-week Florida abortion ban is “terrible,” lots of speculative pieces were written on whether Trump — the man who stocked the Supreme Court with enough uber-conservative, anti-abortion justices to overturn Roe — might actually be moderating on the procedure. My colleague Josh Marshall wrote a handful of ed-blogs unpacking just how silly this news cycle was, and he and Kate Riga got into it on the Josh Marshall Podcast, as well.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

A-hem …


Trump fishing for non-cult-member women to vote for him. I love the smell of desperation in the morning.


He’s just doing what Trump does: politically strategizing about universally acknowledged truths out loud, rather than in anonymous quotes.

So the question becomes: Do the MAGA folk care if Mr. T goes full realpolitik on abortion? Will they go over a cliff for the unborn? Or will they reconcile themselves to Cyrus being Cyrus and take what they can get? Ms Dannenfelser seems open to taking half a loaf if she can remain in power. But for some anti-abortion people only a total ban with maximum punishments for aiders and abettors will do. How many of those are there?


TFG’s stand on abortion is much like that of other GOPers: If you have enough money and clout, you will be able to procure an abortion when it becomes important for you personally. Everyone else can kick rocks.


Whenever TFG spouts abortion nonsense, the media needs to play that “Hardball” clip of TFG saying that women need to suffer some sort of punishment.


In fact, they were always going to travel for these services as to not be seen by anyone they know exiting a women’s health facility near home…


I think he’s laying the ground for an explanation for his defeat. “Wasn’t my fault! They shoulda had exceptions!”


Democrats need to create ads. The media aren’t going to jeopardize the horse race.


In my view, the ONLY reason abortion is a partisan issue is because Republicans represent a minority on economic issues and so use social issues to win elections by getting people to vote other than their best economic interests. Therefore, even though TODAY, as opposed to before Dobbs, there are more one issue pro-abortion voters, Republicans cannot afford to lose the one issue anti-abortion voters and still have any chance of winning elections.

That is what Dobbs did was change the advantage given a Party by one issue abortion voters from Republicans to Democrats. That is before Dobbs, most single issue abortion voters wanted abortion illegal and since Dobbs most single issue abortion voters want abortion legal. However, to iterate, it did not change the fact that Republicans cannot afford to lose the one issue anti-abortion voter and still have any hope of winning elections.

With the above in mind, this article misses the biggest problem with Trump and the current Republican discussion of abortion in regard to single issue abortion voters who want abortion to be illegal.

While for a time it seemed that Republicans were arguing that it should be left to the states, it is now clear that pig will not fly with anti-abortion voters because it means that a woman in a state that outlawed abortion would merely need to visit a cousin in Illinois.

Realizing the “up to the states” will for obvious reasons not satisfy the voters who for over 40 years supported Republicans because they truly believe abortion is murder, Republicans are now looking at supporting a national ban based on weeks after pregnancy.

The problem with the number of weeks approach is that 93%+ of all abortions are performed in the first 15 weeks. Furthermore, the vast majority of abortions performed after 15 weeks are to save the life and health of the mother. Therefore to support a ban after 15 weeks with exceptions for the life and health of the mother is to outlaw no less than 1% of abortions.

That is for Republicans to say to those voters who for forty years have given Republicans power in spite of the fact Republican economic policies hurt them because those voters believe abortion is murder and want it to be illegal, is to admit to those voters that they have been played.

Now what DeSantis did in Florida is for Republicans political disaster. Banning abortions after 6 weeks, often before a woman knows for certain she is pregnant, will not change the current situation whereby more one issue abortion voters support Democrats. But making a national abortion ban after 15 weeks with exceptions basically stops no abortions.

Which again brings up the problem Republicans have with this issue, any serious abortion ban results in them losing elections and any not serious abortion ban results in Republicans losing voters serious about banning abortion again causing them to lose elections.

Another problem Republicans have with abortion is the only candidate to actually deliver to the anti-abortion voters after 40 years is Donald Trump. Therefore he not only has their votes in his pocket, he is the only candidate with any room leeway to maneuver.

So well for reasons not related to abortion Donald Trump is unelectable, for reasons related to abortion he may be the only GOP candidate that is electable.


This is just another example of Trump crowdsourcing his talking points. He makes a statement, waits to see the responses from his adoring minions, then picks out the one that gets the best responses and suits his current situational crisis and tweaks the verbiage. He then tries them out in his rallies and keeps the versions that get the best crowd response.


Free-floating messaging, free-floating ethics, free-floating morality, free-floating propaganda = self-serving, compulsive quest for power.


The MAGA folk will go along with whatever Dear Leader decrees. The Uterus Police may be a different matter.

Something like 44% of Republicans think abortion should be outlawed at 6 weeks. It’s about 71% disapproval at 15 weeks. I think Trump is risking a meaningful percentage of those people’s votes. If he loses even 10% of the 6-week ban zealots, he’ll be shooting himself in the dick. And absolutely nobody on the others side of the issue is going to be fooled into voting for him because they think he’s smart on abortion

Trump is right to think that Republicans won’t win on an absolutist anti-abortion platform. I think he’s wrong that he can win on a squish abortion platform.


Except Trump will never accept defeat. You can bet that 2024 will be another “rigged” and “stollen” [sic] election.


Turnip really has no ideology. He doesn’t give a shit about abortion, not the ones he’s caused nor the ones, by-force-of-law, he’s prevented. It’s all transactional for him. All he wants is to be on top, so to speak (though I think his upper body strength-to-weight long ago relegated him to the “horse” in a classic “cowgirl” ride). He’s just trying to find the easiest way abound the mess he’s created, and is, as usual, using public speaking as a means to find the answer. My point is: we all know this (even the parenthetical stuff). So just begin and end every “news” story about Turnip with: “He’s a shameless turd who wants power”; end of story.


It is hard for me to accept trump openly calculating anything


Frankly, it’s just ridiculous that people feel like relic attire that’s just a degraded and simplified version of the frilly high-society outfits of the 1700s somehow reflects dignity or intellect. Fuck suits. They’re just more elitism, gatekeeping, and classist superficiality masquerading as propriety. I thought people were supposed to be judged on their character and their actions, not some performative conforming to banker peer pressure.


If there is anything we have learned post Dobbs, it’s that exceptions are meaningless. Rape and incest don’t apply unless a criminal complaint has been filled and life of the mother means she actually has to be dying. Lawyers are making medical decisions, not the women directly involved and their doctors.


More succinctly, the majority of America wants abortion to be legal. When it’s legal, it’s not a firebrand issue. It Is an issue of supreme important for people that don’t want to abortion to be legal.

Once legal protections are taken away at a national level and states are trying to make it illegal, the issue of abortion becomes critical to pro-choice voters.

Winning on the issue removes the urgency for voters and flips it to the voters who have lost.