Trump On Pandemic: ‘The Only Thing’ Administration Has Done Poorly Is Public Relations | Talking Points Memo

Not OP, but I do have the Google Fu:


I tried “the google”

It wasn’t real helpful.
But tip o’ the cap @playitagainrowlf


“Biden Goebbels” brings it up as the top result. Sometimes super-simple searches work the best.

Of course, may be because I do a lot of political searches and reading.

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Yes he claimed they are a long way from me.

I tried that about a half hour ago… got a lotta ads for stuff unrelated. My search words were
“Biden Goebbels quote”
Probly were I went wrong or I spelled incorrectly.

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Huh. Probably is my personalized searches aided by Google AI then.

It’s a good comparison at any rate.
Except trump’s pandemic PR has sucked from the beginning. It’s all he has tried to do and he’s failed miserably at it. All the while we are dying by a 1000 a day and he remains popular with 40% of Americans. That is sickening. Any other POTUS woulda been hounded out of office.
It is hard for me to conceive of a president remaining popular with 40% of us while we die by a 1000/day from something we could prevent given competent leadership and decent science.

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“I’ve heard Trump claim that he saved anywhere from 3 to 5 million people. It depends on his mood I guess”.

Take out the word “people” and insert the word dollars and the quote would make more sense considering what is most important to trump. It sure as hell is not people. He does not see ordinary folk as living breathing people. To him we are expendable. We are nothing… less than nothing really. If we mattered to him he would be busting his ass to save us. Instead he plainly said “I take no responsibility. At all”. Those are his exact words. He said it on two seperate occasions so he means it. “It is what it is” he said. Epic callousness.


“Checks and balances” is the key phrase - as an engineer, I was constantly reminded that use of federal funds for any purpose not intended/authorized would result in either a large fine, jail time - or both. And unemployment along with loss of pension too.

Besides getting rid of independent IGs, trump and his minions probably have lawyers trying to excuse the misdirection of funds as somehow justified in order to protect them from the penalties associated with the Anti-Deficiency Act.

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I heard him say that too.

Welp you settled on tonight’s movie viewing. Glad I don’t hafta fuss over that now.

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45,000+ COVID-19 cases today folks, ~750 patriotic American heroes dead.

There were over 8000+ cases in South Dakota where cases began to surge after Skanky Turdface and First Vinyl Doll Iwanka did that rally thing in Rushmore.

That is one 9-11 every week. Or as Skanky Turdface would put it 7-11.

I would love to see them lose TX or FL or both. The bigger cities in Texas are going blue, and I don’t believe they have enough people (operatives) to fuck with all of them.

Trump On Pandemic: ‘The Only Thing’ Administration Has Done Poorly Is Public Relations

Yeah and it was your fuckin’ job donald.
If I had anything to say to you directly before now it would be (and if it were any other job) …


As it is I will cast my vote early and in a way it is secure and you cannot steal it without a shitload of trouble donald.
Just sayin’
And not I do not like you. Not as a politician and damn sure not as a man. I don’t cheat on Mrs darr and she knows it. I did not cheat with a porn star when our son was a baby. And I have been married just once. I don’t lie and it’s not a habit here. And it is not your example I will teach my grandson. You have no shame but you should.


Hope this gets RT’d:

Bill Kristol



Replying to


  1. Background: Justice Wells was appointed by Democratic Governor Lawton Chiles to the Florida Supreme Court in 1994, and served until he retired in 2009. He served as Chief Justice from July 1, 2000, until June 30, 2002, and presided over the appeals in Bush v. Gore in 2000.




Bill Kristol



  1. Here are excerpts from his e-mail to friends: "I have never in the past written a letter or email to you about a preference in an election. I do so now with hesitancy because I know that you have concerns and interests which differ from mine.




Bill Kristol



  1. "However, I set out my thoughts here because I am compelled to believe that our Country, and thus our children and grandchildren, face a grave threat to keeping the kind of representative democracy that we have experienced in our life.




Bill Kristol



  1. "I do not believe that we have had as serious a threat during our lives. I have worked hard at separating my thoughts about this from partisanship. As you know I had a unique experience in 2000. In that experience I had to separate my decision from partisanship.




Bill Kristol



  1. "I was appointed to the Florida Supreme Court by a Democrat, but in Bush v Gore my objective analysis of the legal issues required me to write a dissenting opinion which…was cited in the majority and C.J. Rehnquist’s concurring opinion which decided the case.




Bill Kristol



  1. "From my work in Bush v Gore I learned a great deal about the laws that control the election of the President. The law in respect to ‘contested’ elections is very confusing, outdated and fragile.




Bill Kristol



  1. "I will not get into the details here. Suffice it though to say that President Trump’s threat to not accept the outcome of the election is a grave and real threat to our democracy.




Bill Kristol



  1. "I have other reasons that I will not vote for Trump…But, those are not the reason I write to you. The reason I write is because the threat to this Country’s democracy is in my judgment grave and real.




Bill Kristol



  1. "The only way that I can see that this threat can be eliminated is to vote for Biden. It will not be enough to just not vote for Trump. Any basis for a contested election can only really be eliminated by the election not being close.




Bill Kristol



  1. “Again this year as in 2000 Florida will be a key and likely decisive state. I urge you to vote early and if by mail ensure that your vote gets to the Supervisor of Elections in your county. Thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts.” END

The death statistics are bad enough but there are going to be hundreds of thousands or millions who “recovered” who will suffer long term consequences from the infection. It will take years to really understand the extent of the damage.


I have cousins in Phoenix just 120 miles north of where we live. They are elderly. One is 79, his wife is 75, their eldest son is in his 40’s. The three all got infected in June. Luckily none had any strong symptom. So far. What the future holds we cannot say but I can say I blame trump for this assault on my family. He could have stopped this in December and chose not to. Laziness, stupidity, self indulgence… who can say. Certainly incompetence. When ebola got loose from the Congo during Obama’s tenure it got to our shores. The CDC under Obama knew how to handle the outbreak and jumped on it immediately. There was no politics or fucking about that “it will go away like a miracle” bullshit.

These days all we have is a carnival barker who is running a Ponzi scheme to save his own ass and he could care less about us.
The Obama people handed the trump folk material on how to deal with epidemics and it was discarded because it was from Obama who had roasted trump at a correspondent’s dinner in 2011. Anything Obama did is tainted according to trump’s world view.
Now we are saddled with a pandemic that will require herculean effort to control even with a working vaccine. All because of trump and his epic incompetence.
Justice demands that trump be in prison. For a long variety of crimes.


What other senate committees is she on?

Josh has been asking for an audit…

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