Trump Offers To Send Feds To KY After Shooting Of Two Cops Amid Unrest Over Breonna Taylor Case

President Donald Trump offered to send federal law enforcement to crack down on protests in Louisville, Kentucky on Wednesday night after two police officers were shot during the unrest over a grand jury’s decision not to indict the officers involved in the Breonna Taylor shooting for her death.

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Oh great, this again… more Bread and Circuses from the Covfefe in Chief?

Well, Trump’s epitaph will still be, “…an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.”


Another burning day.

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He never comments on or expresses compassion for the victims of the police, uh?


Only if they have “good genes”…


Coming soon to a neighborhood near you, 1 ea “Reichstag Fire”
Those who don’t know history…
"I had no choice but to impose martial law "

The day after the fire, at Hitler’s request, President Hindenburg signed the Reichstag Fire Decree into law by using Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution. The Reichstag Fire Decree suspended most civil liberties in Germany, including habeas corpus , freedom of expression, freedom of the press, the right of free association and public assembly, and the secrecy of the post and telephone.[13] These rights were not reinstated during Nazi reign. The decree was used by the Nazis to ban publications not considered “friendly” to the Nazi cause. Despite the fact that Marinus van der Lubbe claimed to have acted alone in the Reichstag fire, Hitler, after having obtained his emergency powers, announced that it was the start of a Communist plot to take over Germany. Nazi newspapers blared this “news”.[1

Or if you’d like to get really scared read this translation of the speech of the “Enabling act”
It can happen here


Has he ever offered condolences for the woman shot dead while sleeping in her own bed? Asshole.


You know what is interesting is I have several white neighbor’s that keep guns on the night table and would have shot at those cops too, based on what they have told my wife in the past. Granted the fact they are white probably precludes the cops breaking in on them.


Still waiting to see some policy daylight between this so called Lincoln Project and the Goldwater Only Party.

The man is a domineering pig.
If I could be saved from having to look at his image, it would brighten any day of my life.


You know, I don’t entirely get all this scowling suspicion of the Lincoln Project. They’re Republican operatives, most of them. They’ve made a living helping Republicans win. Their thesis is that Trump in particular is wildly unfit, and they’re very effectively making that case every way they can and it doesn’t cost you a dime. It’s a gift, in other words. They’ve certainly made themselves pariahs with their own party. What more do you want?


Of course he did. I wonder if the Senators from Kentucky are counseling patience. Probably not. There is a Dem governor and they would love to see him destroyed.


I can’t see why not. Every time Trump has gotten involved with any of these protests, it’s always worked out so well for him. Look at how much his popularity increased after he got involved in the Wisconsin and Oregon protests. And his church appearance in Washington DC? I can’t imagine him losing if he keeps doing stunts like that.

You go Donnie!


Will they be in be in brown shirts?

Another day of the travesty known as “MAGA.”

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Well said. Thank you.


Yes, Donnie, law and order.

  • convictions for those who fire into buildings without an intended target, specifically manslaughter
  • convictions for those who would fancy themselves vigilantes, when they’re just armed thugs
  • convictions for those who commit tax fraud
  • convictions for those who obstruct justice
  • convictions for those who commit treason against the US
  • convictions for those who knowingly contributed to the deaths of thousands of Americans
  • impeachments for justices that lie to congress about committing rape
  • free and fair elections, despite your collusion with foreign powers
  • a peaceful transfer of power, to a president with a shred of legitimacy

They are doing a great job bringing down Lindsey Graham. For that, they get my appreciation.


Pick-up truck accelerates and drives through protesters in Buffalo. One person on a bicycle was injured (non critical) Driver in custody. There will be more of this.