Trump Offers To Send Feds To KY After Shooting Of Two Cops Amid Unrest Over Breonna Taylor Case

I accept that they would probably be very happy fans of Saint Ronnie; nevertheless I see them as effective and entertaining enemies-of-my-enemy, and I welcome their efforts. They are providing excellent examples of how to run political ads; I hope that Democrats are studying and learning.


Trump knows he’s losing, so this is part of his “Strongman Con”:


He’s not even pretending to hide the racism any more. A black woman killed in her own bed. The deaths of 200,000 people, many of them minorities. His attitude: “why should I care?” And “how can I use this to my advantage?”


America is about to enter into one of the most important periods in its history and I can only hope that once the results of the election is known, Canada won’t have to close the border between our countries for good.

Most of you probably have no idea how much your politics effects us here in the north. I’m becoming increasingly concerned that America will become even more of an oligarchy than it already is. Eventually that will creep here and infect our social order. It’s happened before.


Ahhhhhhh…is this his new ‘tool’? ‘I AM THE LAW AND ORDER PRESIDENT and I OWN the Federal Troops!’. OR is this just a preview for November 3?

Prepare to be sacked at the polls, Trumplandia.

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Trump said “hydrosonic” yesterday. Hydrosonic?

That was a new word for me. Sound does behave differently in water, traveling about four times faster than in the air (which is why whales bother to signal each other 1000 km away). A superhydrosonic weapon would travel in excess of 3400 miles an hour, so I’m going to defer to Aquaman on this one.

Hydrosonic. If you put your ear up to it, you can hear the sea.

— Stephen McGann (@StephenMcGann) September 24, 2020
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Actually, I was hoping that Canada would accept high-value political refugees. Belarus opposition leader Maria Kolesnikova was forced to flee to Lithuania after the failed Belarus election. Biden conceivably might have to seek refuge in Canada until things cool down. Like Lukashenko, Trump might also look to Putin for advice on suppressing possible peaceful protests if Trump manages to steal the election.


You know, Donnie. Hitler, Mussolini, and Franco would show up in person, but they don’t have bone spurs and could walk down a ramp without help.

Fuck your lame “strong man” routine, you disheveled lump of ignorant detritus.


Trump has got other problems…like possible 2nd Impeachment, if he keeps fascist-ing.


Incoming “Green Men” at 10 o’clock…they may have a harder time blending in here than they did in Ukraine.


Canada’s senate is adorned with Green Men.

This is OT,BUT
The gov. of Missouri is anti mask.
Both he and his wife now have covid-19.
Hey, whats that sound everybody look what’s going down!


In the land of concern trolling, it is never enough and no one ever meets the standard of favor. They will move the goalposts every. damn. time.


We would except Biden taking refuge here. That wouldn’t stop Rump. Next thing you know we have a Cuba Missile crisis like situation. Lol

Snuck over the north pole, eh?

I’m persuaded that a lot of people would rather lose and appear to be wised up and knowing themselves than to win while admitting that once in a while things are more or less what they seem.


Many times they are well-off enough (example, Sarandon) so as to be unaffected by exigencies associated with things like, well, oppression.

Or they just may be clueless :nerd_face:


Sarandon. Where’s that revolution Trump would cause, Susan? The one that would magically fix everything with no inconveniences because you have no fucking clue what it’s like to live through a revolution, assuming you do live through it, which is far from guaranteed?


He offered but I have not heard that the governor accepted anything other than the National Guard. Portland was not a good look for the Homeland Security goons. And this is Mitch’s home state. I don’t trust Trump but I seems like he is howling at the wind.

Not one word of condolence from Trump to Breonna Taylor’s family. The cops who were wounded will be fine and were injured in the line of duty. Breonna was in her own home and murdered when cops recklessly open-fired. She is dead.