I like it!
Mindy Kaling as Nikki Haley?
I like it!
Mindy Kaling as Nikki Haley?
vociferous defenses of the President
Quite the euphemism for loudly and consistently repeating conspiracy theories.
“Hey, I picked Grenell and you don’t like him. So take Ratcliffe (even though you rejected him earlier) because he’s better than Grenell, right? Otherwise, Grenell stays there indefinitely, and you don’t want that, right? So take Ratcliffe. That’s a fair deal, believe me!”
So an unqualified nincompoop is going to replace the acting unqualified nincompoop. Wonderful.
Who cares? Trump doesn’t listen to anyone, on any subject, so the DNI could be a carved pumpkin, for all that it matters.
Oddly, however, Trump does listen when some grifter with a Novgorod accent tells him that someone has been bad-mouthing him in Kyiv. I think some pranksters could have a lot of fun, operating on that premise.
That would assume that the person appointing him has some intelligence . . .I rest my case.
So the Trump administration has officially run out of people willing to work for them. Former personal advisor, 29 year old John McEntee, who was escorted out of the White House in 2018 because of his alleged gambling habit, will return as overseer of the Personnel office with a 23 year old College Senior as his deputy. And Hope returns! Hope Hicks will be back to reprise her role as President whisperer. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/482959-trumps-former-personal-assistant-to-oversee-white-house-personnel
Another option with a high success rate would be to get yourself on Fox & Friends or Hannity and your every desire will become US government policy forthwith (via tweet). (At least until the next guy on the program comes on and says the opposite.)
Our ingenious leader is playing three-dimensional chess again. By appointing Grenell, the worst DNI in history, he builds support for Ratcliffe, who will only be 2nd worst. Brilliant I say!
He lost that right, nearly three weeks ago.
On a cautionary note, as the Wall Street pros are fond of saying - “Even a dead cat bounces if you drop it from high enough…”
Yep, they tend to cat-apult.
They are feline down and can’t bear to face up to Trump’s bull on the pandemic.
I see this as a cheap way to extend Grenell’s time in office for a few more months. Otherwise, you are absolutely correct.
Some people know enough to walk away when there’s nothing left in the kitty…
But it was a purr-fect phone call, wasn’t it?
Purrfect response, but I’m gonna have to call for backup now we have the pun-thread up and running.
Maybe @rascal_crone will show up, she’s the real cat’s meow…
Most of the time though, the cats got her tongue.
I thought she was in the catbird seat?