Trump Is Not A Fascist, Insists Man Who Called Him ‘America’s Hitler’

Originally published at: Trump Is Not A Fascist, Insists Man Who Called Him ‘America’s Hitler’

Republican vice presidential nominee Sen. JD Vance (OH) on Thursday pushed back against John Kelly’s remarks describing former President Donald Trump as “an authoritarian” and someone who fits the “general definition of fascist.” Vance in 2016 wrote in a Facebook group that he feared Trump might be “America’s Hitler.” But this week he defended his running…


Obviously JD is brain dead
My old cat Spanky was not brain dead, just really fat…

And proof he’s not brain dead was his computer ability


Every time that John Kelly said that something happened you’ve got three or four people who were allegedly in the room when it happened saying he’s making it up.



Is he brain dead or just on message? He does not seem to care if his views today conflict with previous statements. Has he ever really defended himself beyond striking out or deflection. Or the popular Republican tactic of talking past the issue completely as if a different question or topic had been addressed?

It like he doesn’t seem to care if the message he delivers is abusive to his wife and her family. He will say it regardless.

That isn’t brain dead but incredibly dishonest, which is not a negative on his side of the aisle.


Come on, don’t bury the damned lede:

Trump is not a fascist. I know he’s not a fascist, because he’s never at the meetings!
–J.D. Vance (or whatever his name is now)


Vance will do anything, say anything, self-abase himself to any degree – without limits – to chase power and wealth.

He’s a firehose of lies, shamelessness, and objective evil rivaled only by Trump himself. Bald-faced lies drop from the man’s lips like turds from a pony.

He is Machiavelli incarnate; every word the man utters is a lie, including “a”, “and” and “the”.


As a former Marine and Vietnam vet, I’ll take a Marine General’s word over Trump’s every day. Former Marines like Vance are supposed to maintain their honor even after leaving the Corps. He has failed.


TSF lies because he’s an insecure toddler who feels powerful when he sells somebody a bill of goods. Vance, on the other hand seems more dangerous, because he’s not going to stroke out in the next year and he has the distilled ambition (h/t John Stewart) of Ted Cruz, but a ruthless vision of who should count and who doesn’t matter like Himmler. The worst part is this time they will bring help from hundreds, maybe thousands of county election officials and secretaries of red states with them.


We don’t know what he thinks. We know what he says.

And we know it isn’t true.


I love it when the Orange Asshole (and draft dodger) calls the Dems commies and fascists. It simply proves that he is so stupid and poorly informed that he doesn’t understand the the two groups are diametrically opposed, The commies are on the far left and the fascists are on the far right. So much for a fact based world view. What an ignorant 3rd grader!


I find it interesting that his handlers aren’t allowing TMF out of the close confines of his rallies. No way they are going to let him sit and answer questions in an uncontrolled forum. Hell, he might even shit himself in front of everyone.

These are the same assholes that were dinging Harris for not sitting down for interviews.


Trump is a dumb stump. But he is purposefully using those words, projecting on to his opposition to smear their image regardless of reality. It is like the word leftist when I was growing up. It had negative connotations earned by not the best of groups out there. Then several years back it started popping up here, tagging the liberals and democrats as leftists. Leftist guerilla echoes with a lot of the older crowd just like it does with me. I know the difference however in who it is being applied to. But it is still a deliberate projection.


Oh! Never mind then.

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If Kelly is just a “disgruntled employee,” maybe you ought to be concerned when every employee except, like, four is “disgruntled” and says the boss is a maniac.

(In other news, how come employees are always “disgruntled?” You never hear about the gruntled ones.)


I’ve lived too long. Decency and honesty are dead


“And we gotta ask ourselves, why are the media and, most importantly, why is Kamala Harris talking about a disgruntled former employee instead of the fact that under her leadership grocery prices were up 25 percent in the state of Michigan?”

Ok, and the answer is “BECAUSE HE REALLY IS A FUCKING FASCIST”, that’s why.

Glad to clear that up for you, J.D.


now that is a fluff ball kitty!


No, he’s not.

He knows exactly what he’s doing, and that basically every word out of his mouth there is not just a lie, but a foul lie.

If he were stupid, his guilt would be diminished. He’s not. He has intentionally chosen the path of evil, with eyes wide open.


Spanky was the house boss for 20 years. He was street buds with another cat we had. One day Spanky came in the front door and it looked like he dropped his luggage. He stayed by his own choice. He found steady food, laps to lay on and dogs to boss around in his gentle but firm way. Pretty good after years of feral existance.


You’re right of course