Trump Is Not A Fascist, Insists Man Who Called Him ‘America’s Hitler’

gen kelly has nothing to gain with lying about trumpf…JD is a nasty little man who does not know who he is…he has changed his name 3 times.


It’s tough to strut, grovel, and cower at the same time.


I like big fluffs and I cannot lie.

My cats absolutely ADORE kisses, even on their tummies. We’re a big cuddle family.


Why is Vance’s word on this worth anything? Obviously, he’s chained his fortunes to Mango Mussolini’s; so, he’s got a strong motive to attempt to further the wannabe strongman’s ambitions.
Besides, it’s not just “a disgruntled former employee’s” words: it was Donnie himself who told his followers that, if they voted for him in this election, they’d never have to worry about voting again. As well as that he might have to use the military to take care of the “enemy within” and that he was going to institute a program of ethnic cleansing.
Where’s the cause to doubt Donnie’s fascism?
I’d note also that JD is the second reactionary campaigner I’ve seen in as many days try to change the conversation from Donnie’s obvious fascism to the purported mess that Kamala (as VP, nonetheless) has made of the economy.
ETA: @justruss : Or the popular Republican tactic of talking past the issue completely as if a different question or topic had been addressed? IIRC – this is what the other GQP operative I saw questioned on Donnie’s fascism did.


Most of our cats had a previous street existence so were at best semi domesticated. Some things ya did not do. I always let them be on their own terms. But they were affectionate.

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Ted Cruz teaches a correspondence course on the subject


JD, can I call you couch f*****. Couch f*****, what is a fascist if it isn’t Trump?


Whereas every word out DonOLD’s mouth is fetid.


Vance also said that Trump is 39 years old, weighs 195 pounds, has an I.Q. of 157, is irresistible to women, and was the first to discover the Higgs-boson particle.


In some people.

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They are all doing and have been for some time. It is an S.O.P. tactic to avoid committing themselves to anything. They act as if we do not see what they are doing. Maybe they think history will not record them as for or against a particular stance. The reality, none answers, deflection and total avoidance of giving an answer becomes the answer itself. With clarity.


It’s amazing; he’s a bigger liar than the man at the top of the ticket.


Her name was Higgs and he had just eyed her Bosom. Poor reporting creates that misunderstanding.

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In waaay too many people.
My dad taught me by word and deed in how he lived his life… how to be a man. Ya treat others how you want to be treated irrespective of skin color, hair style, station in life. Treat others with respect if proper. And most important… Do. Not. Lie.
Trump is everything my dad taught me not to be as a man


Don’t overlook that there are far more people like that out there. The problem is squeaky wheel syndrome and we are seeing the loud, obnoxious twits far more than the good ones.

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The fact that most people are honest is the only reason society is able to function at all. When JD types get in charge, things go to hell PDQ.

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When running for president of the United States of America, one would think that it is not good for your closing argument to be “I am not a fascist”.

The problem is if you listen to Trump he clearly plays a fascist on TV.

So I guess the question to voters are, will they believe what they see and hear or do they believe their eyes and ears are lying or Trump and Vance are lying.


He doesn’t care what they mean. He just knows they are epithets.

Trump is not a fascist, he’s a wannabe autocrat, running for office in a system that gives him sime leeway, but puts limits on what he can do, and without him being able to do much about it,. The distinction is fundamental to understanding what’s going on in American and world politics.

“disgruntled ex-employee.”

Now, why would Kelly be “disgruntled”? Hmm, thinking. Because Trump didn’t promote him from Chief of Staff to, well, president?

Could it have been Trump’s famously poor table manners, you know, the ketchup-throwing thing?

Maybe Trump took away Kelly’s primo parking spot at the White House?

Or, I don’t know, call me crazy, could it be that Trump kept complimenting Hitler, and griping that “his (Trump’s) generals” were loyal to the constitution and not to Trump, as Hitler (there he is again!)'s generals were loyal to Hitler? (Narrator: some of them actually tried to kill Hitler.) And that Trump called soldiers killed in action–like John Kelly’s son–“suckers” and “losers”? And that Trump thought the government was like Trump Corp, and now Trump owned it and everybody had to obey him?

Really tough to figure out why Kelly might be disgruntled.

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