Trump Is Doing To The GOP What He Wants To Do To America

Now, when this gets more attention than just MSNBC, it’ll be a beautiful thing.


The sorry song was the best part.


More the point, we’ve known for years that he was. Isn’t it time to go air-raid siren screaming about this across the media outlets?


Gee, thanks for the morning pick-me-up, David.


What’s stressing me out is the normalizing. Over n over, I wanna say wake the fuck up.


Trump will always use leverage to try to control everyone he can. Aid to Ukraine, PPE during COVID, anything that can be a lever he uses.

And then if you bend, he still will dick you over. It’s the only game he knows and his minions love it and even love being its victims as long as Liberals suffer visibly.


The legacy news media will often just refer to Trump as playing “hard ball” politics. I suspect that will be the case here. They’re just not (no pun) constitutionally prepared to deal with a rogue party of cultists and it’s totalitarian leader.


Perhaps “arbitration” through a legal intermediary might have been preferable given the second amendment solution was an option all parties would willing employ.

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Who did?

The GOP are useful idiots. Nothing more to be said.


Ask anyone who’s ever lived through the nightmare of being married to one of these psychotic assholes. Narcissists hate themselves so much that their entire reason for existing is to make everyone around them feel as insane and miserable as they do. It’s how their pea brains assess the world. I’m miserable, therefore everyone else should be miserable. Zero empathy. Zero compassion. Zero purpose in life. At no time do they ever think maybe to try and join the rest of the world in not being miserable, so you get the rage of a toddler in an adult body. America is only getting what we asked for…


I would like to see the entire GOP grow some balls and stand up to this stupidity. Do they not realize that they are tearing the country apart with their hypocrisy?
rump does not have any money (most of his lawyers do) so they are kissing a** for the power? What power? The ability to demean people? That is what is happening. Along with do what I say - but wait, I changed my mind. I want to run on the bad policy so don’t fix it. What stupidity.

Now I’ll go into my corner and cry.




Have a chuckle.

to impeach somebody. And don’t even get me started on her absurd censure resolution of Congresswoman Omar that she introduced because she doesn’t know how to use Google Translate.

It goes on from there.


They won’t. They love their jobs.


Trump’s " slips of the tongue" seem to be in the news more and more. The ensuing ridicule will further unhinge him. If Judge Engoron returns the judgment that Letitia James wants, it will enrage him and he will become more “mistake” prone as he unravels before our eyes. Maybe SCOTUS will notice. I hope that it occurs to them that they are in his crosshairs if he is re-elected. Despite their obvious political leanings and absence of ethical boundaries, we will have to wait to see if their survival instincts are also lacking. Keeping him off the ballot should be the easiest decision they ever have to make.


Are we not entertained?


What a country…
A major political party is fine fronting a potential felon facing 91 felonies across 4 criminal indictments…
Like I said… what a country
Some life lessons are very hard.


Yes indeed.

I just think that if you remove the convolutions of 1) tying the border to Ukraine 2) not even accepting the win of a draconian deal on the border negotiations, you might expect almost everyone to cut through the nonsense that this was about the border.

But that is still what most people accept, particularly MSM.

I do not, perhaps you do not. But it is an absolute uphill fight to have people consider that Ukraine was not just a tool to get what they want, it is exactly that they (or actually Donald Trump that owns them) do not want.


This is the part I don’t get. Why do they fall like dominoes, even after loudly protesting against what he’s doing? Have they completely lost all willpower? Do they really think becoming trump’s bitch is the path to re-election? Are they all being extorted? WTF is going on?


And it got even better…

GREENE: Wow this is coming from the same guy who is well known to lay his suit jacket on the actual bathroom floor while spending a lot of time in the stall of the first floor bathroom of the Capitol. Eww. That’s probably when he comes up with all this [poop emoji].

McGOVERN: No idea what you’re talking about. What are you doing in the men’s bathroom aren’t you late for a klan meeting?