President Trump on Monday morning hit the most common Republican talking points following a deadly weekend of mass shootings across that U.S. that left nearly 30 people dead.
Which begs the question. “What are you going to do about mental health?”
Let alone, “Why aren’t these problems apparent in other countries? You know, like Japan, Great Britain, etc. - Do they have ‘better mental health’ than Americans?”
Don’t bother pointing out their gun control laws. Just go with the idiocy they’re playing on.
Talking points are all the American people will ever get from this man. He’s uncaring, ignorant and in the NRA’s pocket, but tweeting and saying blah blah after two mass shootings, that he can do.
The guns are the problem, but the self-radicalization of white man-child failures is also the problem. It’s good that we can try to fix multiple problems at the same time.
Why does everything with this guy have to be transactional? Do something about the background checks because it’s the right thing to do, not so you can get something in return.
Mental illness is a cop out. Many countries around the world play video games and have mental health issue. What they don’t have? Access to these weapons of war & 100 round ammo clips… Ban these weapons tomorrow.
Trump will go on TV and give a speech. On paper, the speech may say some of the right things. It will look somewhat presidential. There’s an off chance it might even be good (grading on a curve). [CHECK]
But the problem will be that it was given by Trump, who’s incapable of sincere empathy. So it’ll be hard to believe that he believes the words he said. And his speech won’t address his own hateful, racist rhetoric. [CHECK]
So he’ll be roundly criticized for that. And he’ll also be criticized on policy grounds, because whatever he says on that score will not suffice for many people. [IN PROGRESS]
He’ll see and hear all this criticism on TV, and he’ll stew. And stew. He’ll grow angry and resentful that he was forced to give the speech in the first place. [HAPPENING NOW]
Finally, perhaps within 24 or 48 hours, the narcissistic pressure will break the dam, and his anger and frustration will gush forward.[HAPPENING NOW]
He’ll tweet, otherwise say, or do something that’ll completely undo whatever positive benefit came from the speech. [Live tweets about Obama 8/6]
Trump’s dementia or delusions in full display again…
He forgot to mention his role as their Dear Leader
And he also forgot his vile/hateful rhetorics are what incited TrumpsTerrorists to commit stochastic terrorism!
Ok, so if it’s mental illness, then the GOP should be in the lead to get universal healthcare for mental illness to stem the tide of violence.
If they don’t want gun control or background checks and mental illness is the problem, then the GOP should have no problem getting behind the universal healthcare movement.
Except that they won’t. Because they’re all hat and no cattle.
If you are disturbed, bullied, etc., you are not going to go have yourself diagnosed as mentally ill.
If you are truly ill, then others might have you evaluated. If found to have a mental illness, then you would not be able to buy a gun.
This mental illness crap has got to go.
It’s access to assault weapons. Those who are ‘disturbed’ can buy a gun and satisfy whatever their ‘need’ might be. "Red flag’ laws are fine, but it takes someone to report disturbing behavior to authorities.
I’m glad Trump called out White Supremacy, but how soon will he walk this back?
And, at the end, did anyone notice he said ‘Toledo’ and not Dayton?