Words matter- keep repeating the word “ACCESS”. Are you going to tell me Europeans, Russians, Canadians don’t have mental health issues? They do but they don’t have access to AR-15’s and AK-47’s? Limit the access then this will save lives.
Trump robotically condemns white supremacy and racism. It’s obvious that he hates doing this, feels reigned in by doing so. And so he’ll respond very shortly in tweets and/or responses to reporters with something horrific that undercuts that message—perhaps blaming the shooting victims on El Paso for inciting the killer. All but guaranteed.
Someone should ask him why one of the first things he signed into law was House Joint Resolution 40 which rescinded an Obama-era rule making it more difficult for mentally ill people to obtain guns.
From Politifact
H.J. Res. 40 undid a Social Security Administration rule requiring the agency to report certain disabled applicants to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System.
Federal law stipulates that anyone “who has been adjudicated as a mental defective or has been committed to any mental institution” cannot own a gun. In 2008, George W. Bush signed the NICS Improvement Amendment Act, which mandated federal agencies to report certain disabled individuals to the database. Federally licensed firearms dealers use the database to screen potential gun buyers.
The SSA rule was issued in 2016 to comply with the NICS Improvement Amendment Act. The Obama administration said that it would affect “the approximately 75,000 people each year who have a documented mental health issue, receive disability benefits, and are unable to manage those benefits because of their mental impairment, or who have been found by a state or federal court to be legally incompetent.” It also included a mechanism for people to seek an exemption from the ban on owning a gun for mental health reasons.
donnie bonespurs and the repugs keep ignoring and looking past the elephant in the room. The ready availability of infantry assault rifles that have no place in civilian society. They only have one purpose as demonstrated by mass shooters over and over again. Ban the fucking things once and for all (and I realize it’s never going to happen)
Here’s the problem with this: I don’t think any of the three shooters has been so designated. That’s why folks are refuting the mental illness canard - none of them have been diagnosed. And as I said above - hatred is not a mental illness (nor an American value).
Legislation should be introduced today to limit magazine capacity to 10 rounds or fewer. There is absolutely no reason that average Americans have any legitimate use for high capacity magazines. This would in no way impact hunters or target shooters . Any fantasies NRA types have about defending their homes in firefights with intruders are far to childish to even be discussed.
This going to play out like it did with respect to his remarks on Charlottesville— nice words read off a teleprompter, followed up by name calling, victim blaming, and backtracking tomorrow