Trump Forced Ohio GOP Senate Candidates Into ‘Apprentice’-Like Meeting | Talking Points Memo

Tsk tsk. Wasting time on this loser when we could be talking about Hunter Biden’s .38 in a grocery store trash can.


Groveling before the fat ugly crime boss, gross.

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It always seems weird when I see this primarily GOP behavior. Candidates that live on making tough sounding individualistic statements and inflammatory “principle” proclamations have no qualms about sacrificing any sort of self respect to grovel before anyone that might be able to throw some political backing their way.


SADLY, Trump TV is not yet up and running. This would have been a great first broadcast. The ratings would have been HUGE.


If that picture is at all accurate then McConnell looks very sick. Look at the bruising around his mouth, and his lips.



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His assholeishness is like a mountain range. Even the foothills are thousands of feet above sea level, but what stands out is the vast stretch of dizzying peaks of assholeishness. This is who he is, setting people against each other when he can get them in his clutches and make them crawl. Gladiators fighting for his amusement, just for the raising of his stupid thumb. God it’s been blissful, beginning to forget how much I loathe him. But I guess for Republican politicians not much has changed. Enjoy, you fucks.


With ex-BLOTUS it’s all about dominance and humiliation.

And the GQP are A-OK with being humiliated, which they have demonstrated quite clearly in the past 4+ years.

They were GQPers – and therefore all dicks… :crazy_face:

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Can’t wait for the swimsuit competition and the Jell-O wrestling!

I’m sure Josh Mandel will look faaaaaaaabulous in a thong bikini covered in lime-flavored gelatin!



don’t bother - bot already refused to fund my movie project


Don’t miss this one, either:

“Timken replied that she had “cleaned” up her defend of Gonzalez,”

It of course gets even sadder, because its essentially a cut and paste from another article written by someone else.

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And that’s the real kicker here. Trump is going to do next to nothing for anybody in 2022. There will be no money coming from him or any PAC he has. Indeed, I fully expect that any requests for a rally, or even a video supporting the candidates will be responded to will a price list of how it will cost the candidate for Trump to show up.


Consider it the necessary payment from Politico, for them continuing to have access to Mar e Largo.

And given that their main schtick has always been republican “inside baseball” and “behind the scenes” articles, they absolutely want to keep up with the comings and goings there.


One term President.
Glorified Eunuch.

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Proof that randomness exists (and not in a good way).
I appreciate your fine on point description of “he Who Will Not be Named”

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Kissing the what now?

Caligula (Little Boots) lasted about 4 years in power and was unceremoniously “dumped” by his personal guard. And then the Romans tried their best to excise his memory from their history by burying his opulent and new digs that had been constructed after he burned down a large section of Rome. So there are some similarities…




Now I know why they’re so upset about ‘Cancel Culture’, TMFWSNBN is still butthurt about his crap show.

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