President Donald Trump suggested delaying the 2020 election in a tweet Thursday, bringing his attack on mail-in voting to a crescendo and confirming the fears of those who have expressed concern that he may refuse to leave office.
We voted in the civil war. We voted during WWII. We will vote this Tuesday in November. States will run their elections because they want to have the federal representation.
Remember, congressional and preznitial terms end in January regardless of whether elections are held.
and there it f’kn is. we’ve all been waiting for this, but holy shit, this could get bad. there needs to be MASSIVE push back on this… I feel like he’s testing his limits and if he senses weakness, he’ll ram this through.
Note the silence from the GOP sheep. Either they’re all in for King Donald or afraid of a vengeful tweet. Either way, vote EVERY stinking Republican OUT of office!
This could simply just mean that Trump’s tiny little reality Geiger counter has been clicking away lately and he’s actually admitting, in his convoluted way, that he knows for certain he can’t win.
There’s that.
Well Madame Speaker it seems as if the President wants to put a mask on the election,by delaying the election until we can be sure about mail in voting. CAN’T MAKE THIS STUFF UP !"
I hope someone will take up the cause of looking into whats going on with our postal system and its all of a sudden slow walking of services.
Sure, genius. Bust the biggest norm there is in American governance. It’s not like it’s fucking obvious why or anything. People really will admire your ever-increasing ability to fuck literally everything into a cocked hat. The hits just keep coming with this one.