President Trump leaned into his self-proclamation of being the President of “law and order” further as he appeared to approve of the “retribution” of federal law enforcement officers fatally shooting a man suspected of killing a pro-Trump supporter amid protests in Portland, during an interview on Fox News that aired Saturday night.
President Lowlife wasting more of his time, with less and less of it left.
No surprise here–the man is a natural-born thug, as long as he can cheer on others to do the dirty work. But what does this profit him? Does it get him any votes? Does it go beyond his hard-core base? No. No. And no.
In the NYT today, Maureen Dowd notes that Trump cares more what CNN says about him than Fox–because Fox is so deep in the bag. Before shooting his mouth off, he should be asking what CNN viewers will think, not just given more red meat to the folks who watch Fox.
Trump is just the mushroom, not the extensive mycelium. There is a grave problem with America. Even if Biden is elected, I’m not sanguine about the future.
It’s interesting he’s worried about “insurrection”. So, someone does know where Belarus is, though I hope he doesn’t bring out the military fatigues and a machine gun. I don’t think he can carry it off.
“We just send in … and we do it very easy,” Trump said. “I mean, it’s very easy. I’d rather not do that because there’s no reason for it, but if we had to, we’d do that and put it down within minutes.”
I hope Donnie brought extra hankies for the interview: it sounds like he was salivating so much he woulda drooled into his lap.