I’m beginning to think 30-40% of people in almost any country are revanchists capable of killing their neighbors with the appropriate incitement and provocation from their leaders. It’s apparently all too easy to slip into the Dark Ages, and that’ll be my one cynical thought for the day. Though it is still early.
So this interview was just a to do list for Barr?
“Post deleted.”
More Law, more Order…brought to you by the Entropy President.
OK, so here’s my question–can a man be a thug and a physical coward at the same time? I think the cowardice is disqualifying, but this might be one for the wise to weigh in on.
Yes. I don’t think we’re unique in that respect, but up until the start of the Bush years, I thought that our nation had good checks and balances to tamp down on nefarious executive branch sponsored activity.
More fascisty stuff:
“We’re gonna win four more years in the White House, and then we’ll negotiate, because based on the way we were treated, we’re probably entitled to another four years after that” – Trump, slurring, began his rally in Nevada by teasing that he intends to serve more than two terms
Turning the nation into 1980’s El Salvador is a really bad idea.
We sent in the U.S. Marshals for the killer, the man who killed the young man on the street. He shot him… just cold blooded killed him,” Trump said. “Two and a half days went by, and I put out ‘when are you going to go get him?’ And the U.S. Marshals went in to get him, and they ended up in a gunfight.”
Danielson had bear mace with him and was reportedly stalking the assailant.
Look, he’s a coward, to use a euphemism instead of the words that really apply, who lusts to do nothing more than kill people. He’s a sadistic psychopath. His entire administration has been nothing but sublimated and overt violence against powerless victims. He lives for that. A lot of people like it. We can handle this thought, barely, because we’re not children. But it’s ugly. And I’m entirely sure he’s done things we don’t know about yet. There’s still time to get some work done against him, so do what you can.
Every wingnut militia type who heard that is now thinking, “Hmmm, open season?”
While most Americans abhor it, too many people love it.
7 (?) US Marshals without body cams. Sounds like they didn´t just forget.
Or maybe Barr forgot to remind them on their way out the Justice Department door…
We should have learned that after we turned El Salvador into 1980s El Salvador.
It’d seem that anybody can be a thug fanboy, and, if you’re like Donnie and have the money and influence, a fanboy can pay and induce others to act out their fantasies for them.
“We just send in … and we do it very easy,” Trump said. “I mean, it’s very easy. I’d rather not do that because there’s no reason for it, but if we had to, we’d do that and put it down within minutes.”
You would think those sorts of statements -which are certainly not “jokes” -would anger people like Cotton, Cruz, Rubio, Pompeo, and Sasse, who harbor Presidential ambitions of their own. But their cowardice has no upper limit.
Especially because there won’t be bananas.
It sort of makes sense if you read that “because” as “when.”