President Donald Trump has blocked CNN anchors from attending a private annual lunch hosted by the White House on the day of the State of the Union, according to the network
we havent seen shit…just wait till he uses the SOTU to dress down any and all of his nemesis’s…just like obama did to him at the correspondence dinner… its ALL about vindictiveness with him…
As the prime exemplars to many of the “complicit corporate media,” this must come as a shock to them. All that toadying and normalizing and this is the thanks they get. /s
[Given what McConnell and the GOP have done, I am having a hard time figuring out why polling for Trump’s removal is at 50%.
Instead of in the high 60s.
Until I get a satisfactory explanation (like people having no access to print or broadcast press), then I am going to assume that we have not gotten to the point where we realize our power.
Because a 70+% poll saying
“Trump must be Removed from Office”
Would shut Trump up from tweeting anything at all.
Because we have never been invaded in modern times…never been occupied…never had the freedom of expression taken from us, we still cannot realize our power…and the Forces of Evil are getting us to accept this evil which is being packaged in the guise of a “two-party Horserace”]
That’s on US, and there is no snark, cynicism or sarcasm that can erase that fact. Trump is a Clear and Present Danger to the United States and if only half of us think that he should be removed from Office then that means that a sizable number of people (approaching 50%) are OK with this.
News anchors and reporters crave access to sources and those in power. I suppose it’s a necessary part of their job. although I’m unsure what bombs get dropped in a private lunch. Any that do are probably there for everyone to hear, so what’s the big deal, other than racing to be the first to publish?
Must be weird having a job where being excluded from a lunch with Trump is a disappointment. Not being in the news biz, I’d toss such an invite in the garbage.