A defiant President Donald Trump it made clear late Monday night that he plans to go down kicking and screaming in wake of his electoral loss even after the General Services Administration (GSA) gave President-elect Joe Biden the green light to formally begin the transition process.
“We will keep up the good fight, and I believe we will prevail!”
Trump is going John Paul Jones on the election. At some point the coward will resign to get Pence to pardon him. I hope he leaves everyone else in the lurch and the state of NY has their indictments ready before he can leave the country.
OK ya phoney bag o wind … let’s see you March into a court room and actually make these claims … and produce evidence …
The whole world knows you can’t … because the whole world knows you are a liar … a big loser liar .
Part of me wants to check out parler to see what the rubes who still believe in him think, but then I realize that think is not something I’m likely to encounter a sign of, and that I’m fearful I couldn’t get the stench off me.
I’m not sure what his game truly is. Is it maintain a presence afterwards so he can continue to fund raise from the extreme right and conspiracy theorists for his own profit? Does he wish to maintain some control of the far right so that he must be included in the Republican Party as they attempt to go forward? Is he attempting to build a brand with a media presence so that he can use it as a shield against legal issues that he will shortly face by claiming charges are politically motivated? This is what happens when the Republican Party remained silent instead of calling the bastard out. Too bad. They made their bed, now sleep in it.
Imagine what he was like as a kid when he didn’t get his way. No wonder his parents sent him to military school. How do we contact Guinness Book to enter him for longest continuous temper tantrum? I fully expect him to trash the White House on his way out. What a losing loser !
Somehow the fool thinks that just because he doesn’t outright concede he’ll be the POTUS. As far as I’m concerned, you conceded yesterday even if you didn’t say it out loud, you loser.
Emily “the Hamburgler” Murphy:
There was absolutely no pressure from the admin one way or the other.
Trump (5 min. later):
I told this fat pi…oh wait, she’s one of the good fat pi…eh what? Oh yeah. I have given permission to this patriot to go ahead and send the meaningless letter.
This. He doesn’t have a “game” in the sense thinking people would consider it. He can’t think that far ahead. The furthest he can think is his next $. And yes, perhaps sadly, he will probably make a lot of $$ from these pathetic, stupid losers who are too dumb to know they are getting hosed.