Trump Downplays Reported Escape Of ‘Easily Recaptured’ Islamic State Prisoners | Talking Points Memo

O my god - me too.


Sure, I am in transit back to Wisconsin on Thursday afternoons where I have paid attention to how the MSM strains itself into pretzel fashion to avoid losing access to his Orangeness.

Let’s agree to disagree on this. You do you.

hundreds of ISIS fighters have gotten out

Can’t indict meeeee… woo wooo…

Give me money, and I’ll give you what you want.

If “agree to disagree” means not to get personal and to denigrate the argument but not the arguer, I can do that. But if it means to accept the other argument as having validity then nope. It goes to the meaning of “complicit” and it goes to the totality of what’s happening and it goes to simple twisted-up illogic, speaking of pretzels. How do you know Trump does bad things, if you’re not hearing it from the media? Daniel Dale debunks Trump damn near in real time every livelong day, and he works for CNN. That’s pretty mainstream although I’ve had people say well, they’re cable so they’re not mainstream. Pffft. I’ve also heard people say, when he was just being hired, that CNN wouldn’t let him do the fact-checking like the Toronto Star did because complicit. OOPS WRONG AGAIN. So see you Thursday.

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Fair and balanced? :roll_eyes:


Easily recaptured by Turkey or European Nations from where many came
Sez the genius…
donnie, most ISIS are not Europeans and that is a bullshit excuse. If it were as you say then there would be no terrorism anywhere. And we know that thinking is fucked up.
“We defeated ISIS!” you say. I say no. You captured land, not an idea. Obviously you aren’t as smart as you think you are.


So where is Erdogan going to put those couple million of Syrian Sunnis he was planning to put in garden suburbs on the Syrian side of the border. Rather doubt that Syria wants them back.

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I was thinking clickbait. Give 'em what they want to read, full speed ahead.

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Donald you said the other day you didn’t want impeachment to be your legacy. How about betrayal of an ally? Your action in Syria, withdrawing troops and letting Turkey in will go down in the annals of traitorous actions up there with Benedict Arnold.
While we’re at this…donnie go on over to Syria and show us how easy it is to recapture an ISIS fighter. I’ll front you some MRE hamburgers to see you thru.


Listening to Richard Engle, who is in N. Syria, on MSNBC now and he is saying Turkey is using Arab militias made up of ISIS and al Qaida fighters as their shock troops against the Kurds. Erdogan , leader of Turkey sees himself as a new Kamal Ataturk who will have conquered a new province for Turkey and rid themselves of all those hated Kurds. Kurds who two weeks ago were our allies against ISIS and who now are looking to Russia for help in defending themselves or Bashar al Assad for safety. All of this was caused by trump in, what else, a damned phone call in which I am sure Erdogan fed him a line and fooled trump. I would love to read a transcript of that phone call but I suspect it is now residing deep in that special stand alone machine where all of trump’s criminal secrets are hid.
This is all on trump.


Europe is refusing to sell weapons to Turkey.

Then stop complaining about Chuck Todd, George Stephanopoulous, Chris Wallace or any of the Sunday morning news talking heads. I don’t see them doing anything to promote the impeachment process. I don’t see them doing anything to advance the ball. Except for Rachel Maddow and, to a lesser but still strong degree, Lawrence O’Donnell, Many of the talking heads are still shouting Dems in disarray and how they are wasting their time with this effort.

Sadly, the TV talking heads are what little the American people are hearing, when they hear anything at all. If that makes me a fools believe the MSM has not yet figured it out and they are going to save the Republic, then so be it. Guilty as charged until I hear otherwise.

Watch what happens after the next Democratic forum this week. Dems in disarray all day long.

Most likely it has to do with Trump’s finances.

SA is quite transparently a client state but that didn’t stop the attack on half their oil production. So unless the soldiers are staked out at the remaining facilities I fail to see how this will make a difference.

Trump has no clue as to why anybody woukd care about another human being…he can, with difficulty, pretend to care but fundamentally he does not get it.

The military and his base, however, are conservatives. And loyalty is a moral virtue that conservatives value much more than liberals. The conservatives in Congress are angry enough to criticize him publicly and portions of the military are utterly appalled. He is having to run adds to repair the damage. The base isn’t willing to give him up yet but they are beginning to see clay feet.

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This is unreal: The Kurds are just going to stand there until the Turks come and shoot them while meanwhile their homes and families are being attacked? How is that supposed to work?

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And we will see them here in France and on Europe. One terrorist can do so much damage : Charlie Hebdo, the Bataclan, the Brussels airport and metro, Cannes. Barcelona… tRump and qnd his enablers have and will have blood on their hands. And where is Mattis? Out selling his book ? Where is Mueller ? Who just wants to live a quiet life ? No badges of courage for them.

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Sorry, meant to say Nice and not Cannes. Just woke up. May all those mowed down by the truck in Nice rest in peace and forgive me for my mistake.

This tweet says a lot:

Some people want the United States to protect the 7,000 mile away Border of Syria, presided over by Bashar al-Assad, our enemy. At the same time, Syria and whoever they chose to help, wants naturally to protect the Kurds…
…I would much rather focus on our Southern Border which abuts and is part of the United States of America. And by the way, numbers are way down and the WALL is being built!

It tells us:

  1. He thinks Assad’s impulse would be to “protect the Kurds.” Ignorant.
  2. He claims Mexicans are more dangerous than ISIS terrorists. Racist.
  3. He is rehearsing the speech that Putin gave him, and finding it doesn’t sound as convincing this time around. Treasonous.
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They all have bone spurs so they don’t run very fast.

Apparently trump believes all ISIS bad guys are Europeans and not Afghanis, Iraqis, Saudis, or some other mid eastern country of origin. And he believes they’ll happily re-enter prison.
trump’s fantasy reality is getting people killed by the tens and hundreds. Possibly thousands. And of course there are a couple hundred thousand displaced people and we all are painfully aware of trump’s take on displaced brown people.

Thanks trump
Will someone please impeach this sorry excuse for a POTUS?
And then once removed… indict him.

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