Trump Didn’t Let Fauci Testify Before House Because They’re ‘A Bunch Of Trump Haters’

President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that he barred Dr. Anthony Fauci, a top official on the White House COVID-19 task force, from testifying in front of the Democratic-controlled House last week because the hearing was supposedly a “setup” orchestrated by Trump’s political enemies.

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Babyman shits diaper again. News at 11.


Subpoena Fauci.

The Dems need to start playing hardball with the Orange Menace, who says “f*ck your oversight” at every turn… :rage:


But he is going to testify before the senate. Unless that is cancelled. And oh, senators can ask hard questions too. Only difference is that the D’s have 55% of the questions/time in the House, roughly 45% in the Senate…

Truth is that Fauci knows what Trump has fucked up. He is going to be a main witness at Trump’s trial for criminal negligence.


It’s gonna take so much work to rebuild a functioning government, post-Spanky. So much damage has been done.


“The House is a bunch of Trump haters”

Elected by more of the same.


Yep. Throw it right back at him, all day, every day: “What is Trump hiding? What is Trump hiding? What is Trump hiding?”


“The House is a bunch of Trump haters,” the President told reporters on the White House lawn before leaving for Arizona.

So it’s not because of…

“Given these competing demands in these unprecedented times, it is reasonable to expect that agencies will have to decline invitations to hearings to remain focused on implementing of COVID-19 response, including declining to participate in multiple hearings on the same or overlapping topics,” the White House told the task force officials.

…but I think that we all already knew that.

It’s always good to know that Trump and the White House are on the same page…


“They frankly want our situation to be unsuccessful, which means death,” he continued.

More like some projected self-awareness on Trump’s part.


How is this constitutional. The Congress is all about checking executive power, approving budgets and passing legislation. The last one is useless with a Senate that almost never passes anything. Now the first of three is all but lost.


“The House is a bunch of Trump haters,” the President told reporters on the White House lawn before leaving for Arizona. “They put every Trump hater on the committee, the same old stuff.”

So far he has allowed Fauci and other officials to appear before the GOP-controlled Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Senate Committee next week.


You’d almost think that the President is trying to obstruct congressional oversight.


Yeah…the unhinged (and clearly disintegrating) POTUS said the entire House were ‘Trump haters’ and that is WHY he will ignore that whole 3 branches of government thing and FURTHERMORE he is the only one who has done ANYTHING to ‘save’ this country.


Always saying the quiet parts loud, this one. Now the quiet part is that he’d rather let tens of thousands die than lose some stupid perceived advantage. Fauci can only do things that redound to Trump’s advantage; nothing else is allowed, since Trump owns him the way a little boy owns his tin soldiers. The presumed benefit to an endangered society means nothing. Always the quiet parts loud. He doesn’t even allow you the illusion that he’s acting for the nation’s benefit, like a normal, non-sick president. Quiet parts loud, always.


"The House is a bunch of Trump haters,” the President told reporters on the White House lawn before leaving for Arizona. “They put every Trump hater on the committee, the same old stuff.

I don’t think he knows how oversight works.


Remember during the 2016 campaign when it was stated that Trump “lacked the required temperament to hold the office of President?” That has been evidenced every damned day!


"…a bunch of Trump haters,”

I won’t be surprised to learn that this assessment is the justification for the anemic federal assistance to, and interference with the PPE purchases of, the bi-coastal blue states.


Yeah, you tell 'em, Donnie! Tell it like it is, even if it’s batshit fucking insane and indicative of a sagging empty white-haired scrotum no decent dog would dare lick.

But let’s face it, the real reason things are so bad is because Obama was too cheap to place that Amazon order for 50 million face masks on Amazon over three years ago.

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Is this a surprise to anyone? Anyone?



And where is the Democratic reaction? Trump says no to congressional oversight, and the Democratic leadership accepts that? Backbone, spine, principle, and the law are called for. An assertive stance regarding the constitutionally mandated role of Congress in oversight and in the power of the purse needs to be taken and is long overdue. The voters looking for leadership and who are against the GOP and Trump are waiting. Enjoyed the Lincoln Projects ads, but where are the Democratic party’s?