Poster child says what?
Or the look of a man who was just given a dog collar and told to, “Put it on, bitch!”
Dog Day Afternoon Before the Kids Got Home from School
How low can he go?
not a good selfie angle, considering the sun damage she’s sustained
And, putin’s notes could be the same as a magazine.
These people understand the Good, the True, and the Beautiful differently than I do.
These people will be in history books.
We will look like we were part of this. I mean if there is gonna be more history.
We’re not gonna look good.
Again, Trump defending her in the manner he did…I mean, it was really gentle and quite generous of him, even though he was bullshitting. He could have easily cut her loose, yet, he didn’t. Says to me she’s being seriously considered. I do understand she doesn’t really give him anything electorally, but she’s a woman. He could use that as insurance against Dobbs and his own misogyny.
Stefanik is annoying and clearly wants it too badly. He’s already turned her, and he’s not getting New York anyway, so why pick her? JD Vance is a possibility, he’d be important electorally, but there’s nothing “central casting” about him. Tim Scott? Well, he doesn’t need SC, he could use a minority, but…his base wouldn’t like that. And again, he’s already turned Tim. Takeover complete. Now, Marsha Blackburn? He doesn’t need help with TN, but Marsha is a woman, a blonde, and southern. Right now, I think it’s between Noem, Vance, and Blackburn, with the two women having the edge. We’ll see.
I think Trump’s expression reveals what it felt like to have Putin outline in their one on one conversation the scope of kompromat on stuff Trump doesn’t want Americans to know.
“Sometimes you do books and you have some guy writing a book, and you maybe don’t read it as carefully. You know, you have ghostwriters too." Not reallly sure what he’s saying, or trying to say. I doubt he is. Is the “some guy writing a book” the same guy as the ghostwriter?
My best guess is that by ghostwriters Trump means ghostreaders. You know, some guy writes a book that you’re doing, and then some other guy reads it. No actual literacy involved at all. Big hassle, literacy.
Neither Noem nor Blackburn are competent enough to STFU and just stand there. Trump isn’t sane enough to pick someone safe. The concept eludes him. Whoever he chooses, expect to be grossed out.
“Sometimes you do books and you have some guy writing a book, and you maybe don’t read it
“You go to press with the biographical details you claim to have, not with biographical details …”
this is why they are all malicious nut job liars.
The problem with Trump’s logic — the ghostwriter made up some stuff — is Noem had to have read the book carefully. Out loud, even … as the narrator of the audiobook version of her book.
<<“Sometimes you do books and you have some guy writing a book, and you maybe don’t read it as carefully. You know, you have ghostwriters too. They help you. And they, in this case, didn’t help too much,” Trump said.>>
In the universe of Trump ignorance, stupidity, and evil, this is a but a venial sin. Still, as someone who’s had a long career in academic publishing–and as a lover of literature–I can’t let it pass. I’m under no illusion that publishing is some sort of sacrosanct industry, but this flippant aside about how books are “done” is one more disgusting example of Trump’s laziness and anti-intellectualism. Obviously there’s a segment of publishing that churns out insta-books and popular drivel, but it pains me to see the leader of one of our two major parties, and someone who may again be president, be so dismissive about this act of creation. Small potatoes compared to multiple acts of sexual assault, massive corruption, and conducting a coup against the US government. but this one is personal.
They are working hard to unring the bell aren’t they. Trump must be running out of possible running mates.
I am sorry but a lot of people on both sides of the isle think ghostwriters drive the publishing industry. Big name fiction authors have ghostwriters. Politicians have ghostwriters. The entire publishing industry is driven by such nonsense. Ghostwriters are part of the rot at the core of our society.
In the case of conservative oriented publishers, there is no end to bad ghostwritten books being used to allow billionaires to funnel money to conservative politicans. The $1.00 bins at discount stores are filled with bad ghostwritten books that were read by nobody including the alleged authors, but the politicians were paid 7 figure advances fronted by somebody.
“Going back” to edit a book titled “No Going Back” has to be one of the biggest own-goals in history!
GOP Ticket would have Prez who claims he can shoot someone on 5th Avenue and get away with it, and VP who actually shot a dog in a 5 foot pit and thinks she can get away with it.
Marketing Department and strategists for GOP will likely shoot themselves instead of explaining that.
Actual (sorta) serious question: does anyone think Trump is going to do an Apprentice-style live broadcast to reveal his VP pick? We all know they’d do it.
Also, lulz for Dougie. All that sucking up to run Energy, which as Rick Perry learned is like sciency and stuff.