I’ve no doubt that, had Kristi Noem your skills and background, she would have documented the shotgunning and subsequent burial of a dog and goat with sufficient data and rigor to be accepted in a scientific journal.
Other than clicks he never did but, unfortunately for us, therein lies the tale of our social morass; the vile mess we get our noses rubbed in every damned day.
What is the sound of Christie Noem’s political future? Crickets.
It like a game of Clue. JD Vance in the landfill with the 2x4, Tim Scott in abandoned warehouse with the speargun
Just in case you all missed this: NYTs current headline:
It woz the maid wot dunit!
Also. Does his house double as a post office?
That Noem claims to have shot animals isn’t a turn off for Trump. I suspect the leading VP contenders are Noem and Abbott. Trump loves being cruel and those are two Republicans who’ve proven cruelty is a hobby for them.
That’s Mike Johnson’s porn name
Yes, post office in Superman’s Bizarro World perhaps. (I always loved Bizarro World.)
Will the far more significant gaffe, which no one else seems to have noticed, be also removed from future editions?
“I’m sure he underestimated me, having no clue about my experience staring down little tyrants (I’d been a children’s pastor after all).”
Children are little tyrants to be stared down and dominated. Pets are for target practice. Being a youth pastor is any sort of qualification for anything or other!
The unintentional truth revealed is that of a mean girl and a dummy, whose initial rake-stomp is arguably less entertaining than her repeatedly stomping the same rake harder and harder until the tines of it have punctured both shoes. Like low-energy shooting herself in the foot, from upside down.
“Blam Blam Noem”…
I wonder… was it a trusty 6 shooter of old west fame, or the family AR-15 that she used that day of blood lust?
If a book has a ghostwriter then the person named as the writer didn’t write it. I’ve written books and I read them a hundred times while I was writing them, and I bet that’s true of every writer. It should be a violation of truth in advertising to claim someone as the writer when that person didn’t write the book. fer chrissakes
This image has today’s dste. The FBI search was in August of 2022.
Jeebus… some humans are seriously brain dead.
That Kristi wrote about it at all shows her off kilter mind set. Shooting a family dog and then a goat is not something I would high light to prove my bona fidies to be trump’s vice president.
due to seeming factual errors
Ahem. They were LIES.
Let’s call them what they are.
I’m sure he underestimated me, having no clue about my experience staring down little tyrants (I’d been a children’s pastor after all).”
MAGA, in a nutshell.
“Because I have this completely unrelated experience, that now makes me an expert. Now, who thinks I should have the nuclear codes?”