Trump Couched His Non-Answer On Abortion In IVF Messaging Cleanup

As we documented repeatedly in the days and weeks after the Alabama Supreme Court found that embryos created as part of in-vitro fertility treatment are considered “children” and protected as such in wrongful death suits, Republicans stepped upon rake after rake, stumbling their way into a full faceplant on the issue. And for good reason: It’s cartoonishly hard to support the kind of fetal personhood ideology underlying the Alabama ruling while also supporting the procedure for what it is — a safe and widely supported way for couples experiencing fertility issues to conceive.

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Slippery, slimy, slithery!


I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
I have been around the block a few times.
I even stayed out after dark a time or two.
Since I have never believed anything Trump has said, I wonder how fucking stupid his followers are?




I would guess that even the Alabama judge that made the ruling “supports IVF”…that really is NOT the question. If embryos are children, it shouldn’t matter from whence the embryo came. And that should be the follow up question every time:

“Mr. Trump, you are probably right that the vast majority of Americans support IVF, however a large majority also reject the idea that an embryo is a person – Do you believe embryos are persons?”


When it comes to medical decisions this f*cking stupid.


Republicans don’t give a tinker’s damn about embryos, and never did.

The whole “human life from the moment of conception” is utter bullsh-t, even to them.

Their only – ONLY! – motivation for outlawing choice is…

To. Control. Women.

If an embryo’s in a freezer, then it’s “Meh!” – but if it’s in a woman, then it’s “Baby Murder!”

To paraphrase Johnnie Cochran: “If it’s in a she, you must decree!”


An embryo cannot survive without a womb, so, in one sense, it’s a parasite. It has no way to live on it’s own. That’s not life. You might as well call the rhinovirus a person.


I’m not sure it is exactly that. It always seemed like a way to give them absolute moral righteousness. Their enemies are baby killers, therefore…

Agree to a certain extent but also disagree.

Another, perhaps even greater, reason is to use the IDEA of controlling women in order to motivate their base. It’s a subtle distinction perhaps and perhaps one without practical differences.

Just making up numbers out of whole cloth I’d argue that 45% want to ban abortion to control women, and 45% want to ban abortion to bring out the votes, and 10% what to ban abortion because they really and truly care about ‘unborn babies’. And I may be over-estimating the 10%.


You’re talking about “Alien”, right?

To be fair (ha) to the Alabama Judicial Christofascists, their ruling against IVF was completely logical given their purported belief that life begins at conception.

It’s the dishonest pretzeling trying to un-ban IVF that is blatantly trying to get them out of the same logical corner that is really hypocritical.

And no one cares what TMFWWNBN says - he doesn’t mean anything that comes out of his unfortunately shaped orifice, apart from “give me all your money”. Consistency is a completely alien concept and the GQP policy will just be an arrow point at the Dotard going “whatever the fat guy wants”


Dear hubby’s friend that has long COVID is now in a wheelchair, as she is falling too often.

She was one of those that said COVID was a hoax. Until she got it.


The GOP is so “pro life” that they supported providing vectors to ensure the spread of COVID (though it is technically debatable whether a virus is “life”).


I don’t really have a problem with it, as it means fewer votes for That Man. My hope is that he is convicted in at least one of his upcoming trials.

“Donald Trump’s long-hyped non-announcement”

There’s a reason Trump won’t tell us he favors a total nationwide ban. Lots of young women will die, and he knows it.

Just like he knew COVID was lethal (so he got vaccinated secretly).

@Discobot, how did you let this happen?
This was your moment.


Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

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See? Discobot is a fake. Republican AI here to suck our minds dry and then make is its slaves.

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