Trump Claims Russia Invasion ‘Happened Because Of A Rigged Election’

Never one to stray from the big lie, former President Donald Trump called in to Fox News while Russia attacked Ukraine to claim that the invasion “happened because of a rigged election.” 

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There’s simply not enough Thorazine in the world…


If we could just get his Secret Service agents to all call sick on the same day…


And some people still think that Trump isn’t a putin puppet? All of the rest of the crazy far right are on the same page. These line up with Christianist and confederate factions, and their counterparts in western Europe. Folks, we’ve got a fifth column at work, one that has shown it can la harderunch terrorist attacks in the US. I hope that “normal” conservatives are getting the message. And our many foreign misadventures have made this much harder.

But at least we know who the Russian fellow travelers are now.


But at least we know who the Russian fellow travelers are now.

They are certainly advertising it loudly enough. The good part is, it a self-reveal that will make most Republicans incredibly nervous about T****'s ongoing control over the “base.” And may shake some of them lose from being so sycophantic to him.
The bad part is, it’s encouraging Putin to go as far as he can, because he sees how divided the U.S. is. And it will encourage Putin to continue to divide us by ever-sneakier and more clandestine methods.


Trump’s right - this happened because of a rigged election, but it was the one in 2016, not 2020. Putin’s pet, Trump, tried his damndest to breakup NATO so that the Red Army could just walk into Ukraine and Kiev without firing a shot. The support of NATO, the EU and the United States for Zelensky’s democratically elected government was a development Putin could not stand and so the events of this evening. It is a terrible shame for a people that have been under Russia’s thumb since Stalin tried to starve them all to death in the 1930’s and 1940’s.

There must be a special place in Hell reserved for Hitler and Stalin and they now will have to reserve a place for Putin. With any luck, our useful idiot, Trump, will also join them some day, soon.


Can this tiresome shitbag be imprisoned already?


What will this treasonous Tramp do next?


After the 2000 disputed, no stolen election, Democrats responded to 911 by rallying around George Bush…

There is an obvious difference between Americans and Republicans.


I understand it’s not illegal to wish former presidents ill, as long as you don’t threaten the piece of garbage. I’ll keep the specifics to myself, but I do have a lively imagination.


Trump and Putin are equally unhinged, deranged, and psychotic. Putin wants to provoke a confrontation with NATO to secure his legacy. Trump wants to secure his delusional self-image as a “tough guy…” And both are willing to destroy human civilization in the process.

Trump & Putin are both criminals guilty of Crimes against Humanity.


Or maybe it was Twitler’s love for a Russian autocrat and Twitler’s undermining of US democracy and democracy in general that emboldened Putin now…


2016 was not rigged, it’s foolish to go into the same conspiracy mongering rabbit hole as the Trumpists.


If the Ukrainians can hold on long enough for imagery of Russian military brutality to get out, Trump and his fellow-travellers may just have stepped into a real bear-trap.

Hope regardless the Ukraine can hold out.


It was rigged. Go read about the things in the Mueller report.that were not followed up on after Barr lied about it.


We know the Russians conducted a massive disinformation campaign against Clinton in 2016. We know that if Jill Stein had not entered the race and pull just enough votes in just the right states, nobody would remember who Trump was. Jill Stein the socialist witch who spent time in Moscow being wined and dined by Putin.

This is not a wild conspiracy theory, these are facts. Manafort was behind subverting Ukraine’s elections prior to 2014, and he was Trump’s campaign mgr. and the go-between Trumpworld and Putinworld via Kilimnik in 2016. Manafort gave the Russian all the data they they needed to swing the election to Trump by moving Clinton voters to Stein in just enough swing precincts through a very sophisticated disinformation campaign facilitated by Facebook.

Manafort subsequently was convicted of fraud and tax evasion and not registering as a foreign agent. He was then pardoned by Trump for keeping his mouth shut.

This all happened and these were not coincidences. Putin did not falsify votes but he fooled about 40,000 to 50,000 voters in exactly the right precincts to put his Trump in the White House and wreck havoc on all of us. Putin has paid NO price for any of this and because we let him and Trump get away with it, Kiev is under bombardment tonite. Elections have consequences - good and bad.


The only thing missing from those MAGA hats is the hammer and sickle.


He’ll run his idiot mouth. It’s the only thing he does, and the only thing he ever did. Someday the Fates will put a big 'ol sock in it.


Since in today’s news the word seems to be used rather loosely regarding the Ukraine, I would like to know when the GOP will start the denazification of their party.


Screw this…

The world has no time for tfg right now.

Nor do we.