Trump Claims Putin ‘Outsmarted’ Obama


So did Putin outsmart Obama by rigging our election and putting you in office, is that it?


We are faced with a slightly different picture than a few months ago

  • Mueller did not disappoint, no matter what the spin is

  • Trump is deteriorating to the point that posts and comments and stories have that more as a topic of discussion

  • Mooch, Weld, Walsh and the metaphor of non-Trump GOPers is more and more a topic of discussion, articles and posts

  • We are at a point where there are well over 50% of the Dem House Caucus ready for an Impeachment Inquiry (133 at my last count)

  • Trump has “got the Base” but everyone else is being treated to erratic behavior much worse and getting that much worse

  • Just because Trump can block things does not mean that they stay blocked


Trump’s comments at the press conference were striking in four respects. First, as you note, he doesn’t seem to understand the implications to international law from the annexation of Crimea. Second, Putin still seems to have some mysterious hold on him. Third, treaties or international agreements are not necessarily “deals”. Trump seemed confused as to the details of the JCPA, which gave the international community full oversight of Iran’s nuclear program and was designed specifically to prevent proliferation. He was right that it wasn’t a good deal, but only to the extent that it really isn’t a deal per se, except in the sense that it was a big deal. Finally, the G7 did nothing about Brazil and climate. We are talking about a fifth of the world’s air supply and a country that has seen a radical policy shift. Here, with 40% of global GDP at the table, you had an opportunity to fashion some sort of carrot & stick approach that could help bring Brazil back into the fold. Three years like this and it’s all over. Logging of a hectare of Amazon yields about $15,000 and the utility value of the land for farming or cattle grazing a similar amount. Conceivably, with a stable planet you might get back to your starting point in two or three centuries, but basically the extractive value is finite, say, $30,000 in current money plus whatever the impaired natural service utility is for the coming decades. Trump’s statements about wanting the “cleanest” air and the “cleanest” water make no sense in this context.


It will be news when Needy Amin doesn’t lie. He is too busy creating a reality of his own; the rest of us don’t have to live in it nor believe him.


Well…sure. But I am very happy to seeing the growing push back in the MSM.


I agree - things have deteriorated markedly in the last 6 weeks or so. We are approaching the event horizon - there is not going to be much left that that GOP can do except watch us or join us as we do something about this mistake for which there are no words left.

IT grows more inevitable daily.


donnie has no concept that air and water don’t stop at a country’s borders.




He was outsmarted by Putin. He was outsmarted. President Putin outsmarted…

I am pretty good about muting the motherfucker every time he comes on the box, but just reading the article, I can hear him in my head struggling to speak English.

He is tiresome and pathetic.


I’m not sure he thinks it extends to Newark or Flint.



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Sounded more persuasive in the original Russian. Must make Vlady laugh heartily that he could actually get POTUS to say something so patently absurd. Only an idiot would think that naked agression and occupation against a sovereign nation is less the issue than personal grievances. And he says it aloud to the entire world because he thinks it’s persuasive. There is not a single nation or leader who takes this imbecile seriously. Who could?


WAPO had a propaganda article this weekend about how nice the ICE family facilities were. They could only visit the one facility and not talk to any of the inmates (or whatever they are calling them).


The important aspect of this question is Yamiche Alcindor actually asked him why he lies about President Obama.


Yamiche + a person who was physically present.

My thoughts at the time: Only people like us see this kind of pushback.

“They’re also still mad about Napoleon losing at Moscow. He was a shrimpy little guy - a little guy - too bad he couldn’t take someone so mighty like Putin.
And then the Germans, who totally trusted the Commies in 1939, got mad at them when their leader, who is a totally misunderstood guy who the fake media smeared, was fooled by Stalin and suddenly lost that ally. Losers!”


Dreaming, dreaming is free
Dreaming, dreaming is free…



Strange, but I do not recall Obama giving Putin constant hummers the way Fat Ass does.

Am I that misinformed? I do not recall smoking that much weed, but if I was smoking that much weed I probably wouldn’t recall smoking it anyway.

But I’m still pretty sure that Obama didn’t kneel before Vlad.