Trump Claims He Has Every Right To Prosecute His Enemies

Around $55,000 for 59,481 ballots.


Roger Parloff making it clear SCOTUS ran out the clock on purpose.


An idea I can get behind.


This is perfectly in character with the malignant narcissist. My ex pulled this shit all the time. She was perfectly in her rights to nit pick over every single fucking thing I did and just beat the shit out of me as a failed man, a failed father, a failed human being. but if I ever said that her behavior was abominable, holy shit did she take the crazy up to 11 instantly. Yeah, so what Fat Donnie needs is constant abuse. Hundreds of people chanting outside Trump Tower to humiliate him really works. It’s like a splinter in their brain. Do that. We all need to do that constantly. It’ll drive the fat fuck insane.


That’s funny because the FedSoc found her to be ultimately qualified for her position as did the Republicans under McDonnell. /s

I still say that one haunting picture of her we see on every story should be hanging behind the bar at the Overlook Hotel.


Trump: “…When this election is over, based on what they’ve done, I would have every right to go after them.”

No, you would not.

Don’t be confused by the two-step shuffle Trump just did there.

Trust me, I’m not.

To draw from the domestic abuse context: Don’t make me hurt you.

David Corn efficiently runs through the history of Trump’s promises of revenge, their inextricable connection to his obsession with violence, and how easily they flow from his preferred posture of victim. The bully as victim, the oppressor as oppressed, the abuser as abused.

I have some personal experience on the receiving end of this.

Former U.S. Attorney Barb McQuade has a new essay on Trump’s threats of revenage and their consequences.

“The result is to give Trump — and other political actors — license to commit all manner of crimes in the future.”

I’m Not Crying. Nope. Not Me.

Me neither (sniff).


If Merchan is listening to Trump rant on about how he’s perfectly entitled to go after “enemies” and basically anyone who displeases him, it would certainly suggest a lack of remorse or restraint after being convicted of 34 felonies. I think jail time - significant jail time - is called for based on this alone. We shall see what Judge Merchan thinks.


Because he was a Goldman Sachs analyst and hedge fund dude. So removed from humanity, not just Brits.

Sunak worked as an analyst for the investment bank Goldman Sachs between 2001 and 2004.[14][25] He then worked for hedge fund management firm the Children’s Investment Fund Management, becoming a partner in September 2006.[26] He left in November 2009[27] to join former colleagues in California at a new hedge fund firm, Theleme Partners, which launched in October 2010 with $700 million under management (equivalent to $978 million in 2023).[28][29][30] At both hedge funds, his boss was Patrick Degorce.[31] Sunak was also a director of the investment firm Catamaran Ventures, owned by his father-in-law, the Indian businessman N. R. Narayana Murthy of Infosys, between 2013 and 2015.[25][32]


Yesterday was a lump-in-the-throat-all-day kind of day. The sight of the veterans in their wheelchairs made me think of what the world will look like after they are gone. I wish everyone could go to Normandy as Muslims go to the Hajj. Although over 80 years have passed, Europeans live with the reality of the wars fought on their soil every day. From bomb-marked terrain, to repaired buildings, to the 1950s style replacement building amid 19th century buildings to the ubiquitous statues, plaques and sacred sites they pass on the way to work. The remnants of a world at war are not something that Americans have had to face and process as part of our everyday lives. Thus, we allow ourselves to forget.

The military brass and soldiers of every branch who support Trump can only be understood as being ignorant of where Trump’s fascism will lead us. They need to understand how, even more than half a century later, the cost of defeating fascism is still being borne and the bill will never be fully paid. Even today, unexploded mines are still being unearthed as well as the skeletal remains of those who fought and those who had to live in a battleground because that was the only home they knew. Because our values as a country have been made very clear to the rest of the world, we have enjoyed the peace of never having bombs go off in our neighborhoods. Now, we are allowing those values to be degraded, mocked and discarded in service to the damaged ego of one man and the undifferentiated and diffuse “anger” of people who think that life has treated them unfairly. Again, they don’t have the daily reminders of what “unfair” really looks like.

We must call fascists fascists, explain to people what Democracy means to them, and reassert the values that made us the United States. There is no both sides argument. This is existential.

Now that I have preached to the choir, sorry. Yesterday was particularly difficult knowing that this is the last time we will see the last of the veterans. We cannot be allowed to forget.


I Am No Peasant, Cannot Possibly Live On $10K Per Week. Who Could?

And, related to poor dear misunderstood Judge Cannon, seems like nobody loves her, everybody hates her:


I am w/@dont: who pays for all these recounts? (This is one of the areas where Trump games it out: if ‘his campaign’ asks for the recount the campaign pays; if it is a concerned citizens’ group then they can get tax-payer money to pay. Trump Never Pays should be his motto. Drives me nuts.)


I need to get in at least one “Christamitey!” today.

You could fly a good sized drone through that maw.


There are stories I have heard from Hispanic friends of Sheriff Joe instructing his officers to stop anyone ejo looks “Mexican” and demand papers. One story was about a guy setting a hose and sprinkler in his own ysrd and getting arrested for being w/o papers while standing in his own yard. He got “deported” to Nogales, Sonora on the border. This gent was an American citizen, born in Phoenix. And a veteran. Sheriff Joe and the deputy involved got in trouble for it. But American citzens were sent to Mexico on the assumption they were illegally in the USA.
Let me add that my small neighborhood in Tucson is mostly Hispanic people.


Name and shame them. They may not feel any shame today, but what they did was despicable and leaves a bitter taste in the back of my throat. I could barely read that story without feeling an overwhelming sense of rage. They have disgraced themselves and their day will eventually come.


I like how Jones has been hiding his money. And for some reason watching him cry does not make me feel for his humanity. All ‘his’ tears to is make me think of the Sandy Hook families he set up for 10yr of BULLSHIT.


It does look like the Biden team at least has the NYT’s number.


Absolutely NAILED it.


What would it take for people to be so upset about the delay and denial of justice in these Trump cases as well as the grift and treachery from his enablers that someone creates a star chamber akin to the old Hal Holbrook and Michael Douglass film Star Chamber where the suspects are conveniently administered justice, so to speak. “Oh that fake elector in Georgia, yeah something bad happened to him”.


wHy ArEn’T dEmOcRaTs BeInG pRoSeCuTeD?

Because they haven’t committed any fucking crimes.

So goddam tedious.


I have no idea, but if you’ll indulge me - my best guess is he just saw The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover…