Trump Caught On Tape Again Pressuring Election Officials

Nope, not true.

We here in Germany also get ads showing silver haired ladies and gents off skiing and sailing and disco dancing after taking some wonder medication / salve / whatever ending with “Fragen Sie Ihren Arzt oder Apotheker” (“ask your doctor or pharmacist”)….


All sessions will start with prayers and the singing of the National Anthem.


A little Noddy Holder, eh?


It is interesting to me that there is no other medical outreach, and partly because of regulation. Our society does not see the need to educate people to their health.

Every American should know that if you can be treated within 1 hour of having a stroke, you are almost entirely likely to retain 97% of your faculty.

People that sell stroke medication aren’t allowed to educate alongside selling the drug, and as there is no measurable ROI in that it doesn’t get done.

On the other hand, the NIH that has a direct interest - as we all do - in the health of our countrypeople are hamstrung by a political philosophy that gets elected on low taxes, and at the same time ‘bleeds the beast’.

There is money in telling people about the ‘Golden Hour’ for stroke, as well as good health for our community, but the law prevents those who can from making that money - while creating a health benefit - and the government is starved of the money it takes to develop a real health program, starting in high school, that would change lives, almost immediately, and hundreds of thousands of them too.

Same problem as education. All the states maintain their fifedoms, the Fed gets bled for cash, and nothing provides a base sense of what it is to be an American. That’s left to Dodge, or Coors, I guess. Maybe Snoop.


Republicans are pro-profit. Not pro-life.


Elections have consequences, and here in Arizona we shoved three of them down the fascists throats:

Governor Katie Hobbs, who has been vetoing all the wack coming out of the Leg;
Attorney General Chris Mayes, who has been investigating the fake electors;
Secretary of State Adrian Fontes who has become a thorn in the sides of people like Charlie Kirk.

Good, smart people all.


If/when that happens, you’ve gotta think that will be a bridge too far for a lot of those upper middle-class suburban moms and dads the Republican Party absolutely depends on in presidential elections. They can’t win with “deplorables” alone.


Off topic, unless the topic is GOP grifters. Now that I think about it, that is always the topic these days.

A Maricopa County judge ruled Wednesday that a defamation case against former gubernatorial and current U.S. Senate candidate Kari Lake will go forward. Judge Jay Adleman determined that Lake failed to provide enough evidence to get the case dismissed outright under a recently revised state law intending to deter lawsuits that seek to censor or intimidate critics.

If you’re new to this story, Lake, in the aftermath of her 2022 defeat, took rhetorical aim at Bill Gates and Steven Richer — two Republican election officials in Maricopa County — accusing them of helping “rig” the state’s gubernatorial race and manipulating ballots.

Richer argued soon after that Lake’s claims not only hurt his professional life and harmed his reputation, but also led to death threats against him and his family. Richer sued the failed candidate for defamation.


Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (R) tried to compel a Seattle hospital to hand over information about gender-affirming treatment Texas youths may have received across state lines, according to court filings, signaling an escalation of his office’s attempts to crack down on Texans’ ability to access such health care.

Time to rein in your hyena Republicans. If he will go this far, he will go after anyone that suits his narrative including Republicans.

From Live Wire


How long has that been the case?




He is not the only one, maybe not even be the worst. Robert’s wife has been shaking down law firms by the tune of at least 10 megadollars.


This is an outright lie. I worked for Big Pharma, as a consultant and then an employee, for about 8 years, in the department where they calculated sales reps’ bonuses. They are awash in cash and they spend lavishly on their sales and marketing divisions. They throw gigantic parties for the reps on a regular basis, flying them to luxurious resorts, plying them with very expensive swag, and loading them up with bonuses when they convince doctors to push their drugs, whether on prescription or off.

Crying crocodile tears about their research budgets is their favorite ploy. Their advertising budgets are through the roof, and a lot of the research they conduct is paid for by taxpayers anyway. Much of it is now dedicated to slight alterations of existing patents so they can re-release it and continue to charge outrageous prices for their exclusive brands.

In my orientation meeting I asked why the ads for their prescription drugs urge patients to ask their doctors for a specific brand. The presenter smoothly answered that patients want and need education, so the ads are a public service. All lies.


Has she lawyered up yet?


Once again, that’s not how it works. Uncle Thomas does what Uncle Thomas wants to do. Leonard Leo and his pals just make sure that Uncle Thomas stays happy to keep on doing what he already wants to do. Uncle Thomas has always wanted to do this shit. Leonard just makes it more comfortable for Uncle Thomas to do what he always wanted to do. It’s not transactional in any specific sense, just disgustingly corrupt.


Nobody’s posted the biggest story of the day, yet:

Of course well all know what that smell is…


For impersonating Puppy. Isn’t it obvious?


Wham…Let the howling begin
Biden pardons all Americans on federal marijuana use charges | Washington Examiner

President Joe Biden took major action ahead of the holiday and pardoned all Americans arrested, prosecuted, or convicted on federal charges for marijuana use, following through on his 2020 campaign promise to expunge cannabis use offenses.

Biden signed a proclamation Friday that forgives U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents caught by law enforcement for possessing the drug and charged, going far beyond the sweeping actions he took last year for thousands of people convicted of possession.

“Criminal records for marijuana use and possession have imposed needless barriers to employment, housing, and educational opportunities,” Biden said. “Too many lives have been upended because of our failed approach to marijuana. It’s time that we right these wrongs.”