Trump Caught On Tape Again Pressuring Election Officials

A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo. Sign up for the email version.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
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Have a Merry Xmas, everyone!


Lordy, there are tapes.

IANAL… but, I wonder, is offering public officials a thing of value, say, legal services, problematic, legally, when you’re also asking them to NOT do something that they have a duty to do?

Is bribery really a crime, I mean, if you’re a Republican?


Merry New Now!


Sure they got all this “so-called evidence,” but everybody knows that a free press is the enemy of the people! Even George Washington said that, right? It’s in the Federalist Papers!

(If you’re going to fib, you may as well make it a whopper.)


Can anyone expound on this for us?


Merry Christmas


Never cross the cat nip with the mushrooms. It gets freaky.


Drugmakers Delay In-Demand Medicines to Evade Biden’s New Pricing Rules (
(Bloomberg) – Drugmakers are slow-walking products to market to get around President Joe Biden’s plan to lower medication prices.

Companies from Roche Holding AG to biotech Alnylam Pharmaceuticals Inc. are among those delaying or evaluating therapies in light of the government’s new ability to negotiate for lower prices. Firms that normally try to sell drugs as soon as possible are suspending clinical trials and shifting timelines, while patient groups are demanding change.

Intended to trim costs for Medicare, the US health program for seniors, Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act has sparked both ire and lawsuits from manufacturers claiming it will eat into the vital cash they need to develop new medicines. They’re moving to maximize drugs’ revenue potential, even if it means patients will have to wait longer for new therapies.


He personally is shielded in his privilege

What exactly is the privilege? It would be nice to see that expanded on.


Searing as the Trump rage storm has been so far,
watch when the self-soiling Supremes rule.
O Boy.


Let’s just admit it. Every call the Coup de Twat makes is a perfect call. At this point that’s just science.


It’s a bit wordy with an ad @ 5 minutes in, but it’s an interesting listen.


Time will tell, but first there has to be an accurate and legal definition of bribery that is agreed upon by everyone. Getting that may be a real stretch, but if it is in fact defined, then the challenge is to decide whether what’s happened here (and in GA) constitutes bribery by that definition.

And that could take months or years to come to a conclusion, the way things are now.


Thank you David!
I’ll mostly be around next week, but for those who aren’t, enjoy your time away and see you in the new year!


A fair bit of commentary overnight about whether that offer of legal counsel amounted to a criminal attempt at bribery. I’m not prepared to assert that quite yet, but there’s no doubt that having a recording of the phone call, as with the famous Trump call the following month to Georgia election officials, changes the texture and impact of what we previously knew about Trump’s intervention in Michigan, where a prosecution of Trump fake electors is already underway.

Here, let me help you with that.


This is the garbage that is X
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Here’s Jeffrey Epstein’s Island visitors that was confirmed on #EpsteinFlightLogs 🧐 #EpsteinClientList Adam Perry Lang Akon Al Gore Alan Dershowitz Albert Pinto Alee Baldwin Allison Mack Alyssa Rogers Anderson Cooper Andrea Mitrovich Andres Pastrana Angelina Jolie Anthony Kiedis Anthony Weiner Barack Obama Ben Affleck Bernie Sanders Beyoncé Bill Clinton Bill Gates Bob Saget (deceased) Bruce Willis Casey Wasserman Callum Hudson-Odoi Celine Dion Charles Barkley Charlie Sheen Charlize Theron Chelsea Handler Cher Chris Tucker Chris Wagner Chrissy Teigen Cyndi Lauper Claire Hazel Courteney Cox Courtney Love Demi Moore Dan Schneider David Koch David Spade David Yarovesky Dolores Zorreguieta Donovan Mitchell Doug Band Drew Barrymore Ed Buck Ed Tuttle Ehud Barak Ellen DeGeneres Ellen Spencer Eminem Emmy Tayler Fleur Perry Lang Francis X. Suarez Freya Wissing Gary Roxburgh (pilot) George Clooney Ghislaine Maxwell Glenn Dubin Greg Holbert (deceased) Gwen Stefani Gwendolyn Beck Hank Coller (pilot) Heather Mann Heidi Klum Henry Rosovsky Hillary Clinton James Franco James Gunn Jay-Z Jean-Luc Brunel (deceased) Jean-Michel Gathy Jeffrey Jones (deceased) Jim Carrey Jimmy Kimmel Joe Biden Joe Pagano John Cusack John Legend John Podesta John Travolta Joy Behar Juan Pablo Molyneux Juliette Bryant Justin Roiland Justin Trudeau Kathy Griffin Katy Perry Kelly Spam Kevin Spacey Kirsten Gillibrand Kristy Rogers (deceased) Lady Gaga Larry Summers Larry Visoski (pilot) Laura Z. Wasserman Lawrence M. Krauss Linda Pinto Lisa Summers Lynn Forester de Rothchild Madonna Mandy Ellison (assistant) Mare Collins-Rector Marina Abramovit Mark Epstein Mark Lloyd Melinda Luntz Meryl Streep Michelle Obama Michelle Wolf Mikel Arteta Miley Cyrus Nadine Dorries Naomi Campbell Naomi Watts Natalie Blachon de Perrier Nicole Junkermann Olga Kurylenko Oliver Sacks Oprah Orlando Bloom Paris Hilton Patton Oswatt Paul Mellon Paula Epstein (deceased) Paula Hala Peter P. Marino Pharrell Williams Prince Andrew Prince Charles Quentin Tarantino Rachel Maddow Rainn Wilson Ralph Ellison Ray Barzana (pilot) Ricardo Legorreta Vilchis Rihanna Rita Wilson Rob Reiner Robert DeNiro Robert Downey Jr. Rodney E. Slater Ronald Burkle Rudy Gobert Sander Burger Sarah Kellen (assistant) Sarah Silverman Seth Green Shelley Harrison Shelley Lewis Sophie Biddle-Hakim Sophie Trudeau Stephen Collins Stephen Colbert Steven Spielberg Steven Tyler Svetlana Glazunova Teala Davies Tiffany Gramza Tom Hanks Tom Pritzker Tyler Grasham (deceased) Victor Salva Wanda Sykes Whoopi Goldberg

Readers added context they thought people might want to know

This is a list of some of the first celebrities who caught covid. This is not to say none of these celebrities flew there. However Callum Hudson-Odin would’ve been in his teens and Mikel Arteta is now a football manager. So this is not a direct list regarding flight logs.


Does anyone know how the public came to possess this tape?

I’ve seen reporting that the Michigan AG did not turn it over to Jack Smith back when they were originally talking about crimes in Michigan with regard to fake electors.


What’s Up This Headline?

Isn’t there a missing “With” in there?


“Catnip with the mushrooms”
