Trump Caught On Tape Again Pressuring Election Officials

Maybe it’s time to bring out the “N-word” in discussing big pharma. That word being “Nationalize.”


McDaniel, a Michigan native and the leader of the Republican Party nationally, said at another point in the call, “If you can go home tonight, do not sign it. … We will get you attorneys.”

That should have been a clue to them to not do it. If she’s an “Unindicted Co-Conspirator”, she needs to be indicted.

We know there are other recordings that we don’t know about yet.


From Mother Russia of course

Tara Reade, who claims she was sexually assaulted by President Joe Biden in 1993 and recently moved to Russia, has filed a formal complaint with the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General (IG).

Biden Accuser Tara Reade Goes After FBI for Targeting Americans (

You’re an American in Russia, just chilling, while we are at war… I’m crying with laughter!

30 years after the fact, Russian operative makes unsubstantiated claims…


This ‘the wheels of justice turn slowly’ nonsense is excruciating. I am wayyyyy past sick of hearing about Trump and his awful followers. Yet, this is going to go on and on and on and on…

The shameful inequity this is reinforcing–if you have resources, you can prolong the rule of law for a looong time. If you have nothing, you’re f’ed.

It’s infuriating


Nothing new here. Your money or your life.


LaZy fridaY morning


“People say I don’t take criticism very well, but I say what the hell do they know?”

- Groucho Marx

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That is why so many Americans love Trump, he is one of them.


You know that old saw about “There’s no such thing as a stupid question.” We should reconsider.


Ask your doctor if the FTC and FDA should work to bring Pharma to heel.


The right wing has developed an extremely destructive but effective strategy: divide, misinform, and polarize. First, convince people to see their fellow citizens as opponents (Something Rachel Maddow talked about), then feed them an endless stream of lies and misrepresentations regarding those opponents to lead them to adopt increasingly extreme views. Fostering division is the prime objective of both the rightwing media and the GOP. A result is that no cultural ‘safe spaces’ must be allowed to exist. Every aspect of daily life must be politicized and used as a point of division.


Sure, sure Donnie. :roll_eyes:
This from a man who spent decades trying to get his name in the paper. Can’t wait to hear how the tabloids are different.


Ronna had better lawyer up soon, and with a lawyer not paid for by Trump. And I imagine that she’s got some juicy information to provide that will get her a bit of consideration from prosecutors.


If those books had been banned earlier, the Zieglers would never come with such kinkiness by themselves.


Coming soon, the Ziegler’s very own “Only Fans” channel?


That 43% equals 20% of Iowa’s electorate at the most (assuming Iowa is 50% GOP, which it is not even close). I wouldn’t even call these fascists Americans. They are as un-American as it gets.


Glad to see the Michigan connection get more attention, and we have another story that just broke about two of former MI House speaker Lee Chatfield’s staffers. (If you recall, he’s the one who’s been charged with the sexual assault by his brother’s wife which started when she was in high school. He was term-limited and is no longer serving). These republicans sure are busy criming.

LANSING — Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel announced Thursday charges against two former staffers for then-Michigan House Speaker Lee Chatfield, alleging the couple misappropriated funds from multiple entities, including social welfare nonprofits and campaign committees.

Facing criminal charges are Rob and Anne Minard who both worked in various capacities for the Levering Republican who served as House speaker in 2019 until the end of 2020 before leaving office due to term limits. During Chatfield’s time as speaker, Rob Minard served as Chatfield’s chief of staff while Anne Minard was director of external affairs for Chatfield.

Prosecutors allege the Minards financially exploited and defrauded entities “through a sophisticated pattern of improper reimbursements, double billing, misrepresenting expenses, and falsifying records,” Nessel said during a press briefing. While they held influential posts in Lansing, Nessel said, the couple also “had access to a vast network of well-funded nonprofit, corporate and political groups” connected to Chatfield’s political activities.

Chatfield’s financial activities are also being investigated.


Cult members are unmoved by mountains of damning, criminal behavior!!!