Trump Can Be Sued Over Jan. 6 For Now, Appeals Court Says - TPM – Talking Points Memo

An appellate court unanimously found on Friday that Donald Trump can face civil lawsuits over claims that he incited violence on Jan. 6, allowing cases to go forward while permitting Trump to re-raise immunity defenses down the line.

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Can 81 million people start a class action lawsuit?


Thank God ! Maybe this will allow Judge Chutkan to quickly dismiss Trump’s immunity claim in the Jan. 6 criminal case. I have all my fingers and toes crossed.


Not many class action suits in the last 20 years because everything has switched to arbitration, wherein the people that screwed you get to appoint and pay their own judge to do you down in a closed hearing.


Trump can be sued?


On another subject… the war in Gaza has moved south. Approaching 2 million people are displaced with little food, water shelter or ptotection from bombing and strafing and tank fire. They can’t run away because the Gaza strip is enclosed by a high tech barrier. The northern approx half is about 2 miles wide. Southern part maybe 5 miles. Where do 2 million people … innocent over whelmingly… go?
Something like 200 were killed just today

I am no kind of fan of Hamas or other terrorists. I am also no fan of a state exterminsting people for whovthey are as Israel is doing as I write this. 1200 innocent people were killed by Hamas. That is horrific. Passing 15,000 are dead on the Palestinian side. Who is the terrorist? When does this madness end?


Amos 5:24 But let justice roll down like water and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.


“We see no basis for giving an incumbent President that kind of asymmetrical advantage when running against his predecessor,” Srinivasan concluded.

So do both parties have to act in a civil manner a la President Biden, or do both parties get to lie, slander and libel at will, a la former occupant Trump?


Motherfucker is going to scream very, very loudly about this one, because one thing he does fuckin’ understand is being sued.


The decision also allows Trump to raise First Amendment concerns later

Trump, per the decision, could still bring his claim

Trump could wait. He could do this. Or that. He could do something else. A poor man can’t, because a poor man can’t afford it.

Money is not speech.


MAGA: Making Attorney Get Attorneys. How many lawsuits is he involved with now?


“Srinivasan asked what would happen if full civil immunity from defamation was granted to current presidents, but denied to former presidents running against them.”

Simple, no one is above the law. There is no such thing as immunity.

Both DoJ memos saying a president can’t be prosecuted while in office were written while the sitting Presidents, Nixon and Clinton, were in trouble. They were cover my ass memos and should be trashed.


Au contraire.


When the President tries to overthrow the government, is he acting in his official government capacity and therefore immune from civil liability? Doesn’t seem like a hard question. The oath doesn’t say, “I will preserve, protect, and defend, and/or try to overthrow, the Constitution of the United States.”


Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

I thought that some activities in the last quarter of the eighteenth century rid us of a sovereign.ETA. Oops. That’s a response to @txlawyer.


I could use a sovereign or ten thousand…

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Was day dreaming just now and the Moody Blues came to mind as related to donald…

This is the partial lyrics of one of the songs the Moody Blues entranced me with,

"The Land Of Make-Believe"

We’re living in a land of make believe
And trying no to let it show
Maybe in that land of make believe
Heartaches can turn into joy

We’re breathing in the smoke of high and low
We’re taking up a lot of room
Somewhere in the dark and silent night
Our prayer will be heard
Make it soon

So fly little bird
Up into the clear blue sky
And carry the word
Love’s the only reason why


“The King can do no wrong.”

That is precisely why we shrugged off king and crown 247 years ago.


I want that trump lose everything. Properties, bank accounts, grifting sources, donations… every last dime. Even a change of clothes.

He deserves to suffer!!!