Trump Can Be Sued Over Jan. 6 For Now, Appeals Court Says - TPM – Talking Points Memo

And substituted in its place another form of government that retains the exact same type of immunity from civil suit.


I don’t know if 81 million people can start a class action suit, I’m not a lawyer.

I do believe that a class action suit can be started that represents 81 million people.


So Trump could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and suffer no consequences?

Well, I guess it would be Biden now.

Is he taking suggestions about at whom to aim?


My training and profession was municipal planning. Outside of undergraduate classes in Con Law and Civil Liberties fifty years ago, my legal knowledge danced around zoning and planning issues. So did some research and found you to be correct, as usual. The president does have sovereign immunity. I do have a question though. Is that immunity limited to official acts?


“Trump appealed that ruling, arguing to the D.C. Circuit that virtually all of his speech on any matter of public import as president fell within the “outer perimeter” of immunity from civil suit, per earlier Supreme Court precedents on the issue.”

This is the circularity/tautology they are trying to achieve:

Whenever the POTUS speaks on matters of public import, it is automatically within his official duties and therefore he is immune from civil suit for what he said.


Whenever the POTUS speaks about ANYTHING, that makes it a matter of public import.


POTUS can say anything he wants, no matter how abusive and tortious or unrelated to governing the country and running the executive branch, and is immune from civil suit for having said it.


Remember when GHWBush dissed broccoli?

That was quite the fracas!

How I long for the days when the worst things a prez said were “I hate broccoli”!


If it was part of something presidential, possibly. But that would be a criminal case, which the current lawsuit is not. Nobody has ever previously tested presidential immunity as a defense in an actual criminal case.


False. With the monarchy, the king and government were one and the same. No daylight between them. While it is true that the GQP MAGAt KKKult desperately wants to achieve that with the fabricated, cockamamee Southern Strategy nonsense of the unitary executive theory, this decision itself illustrates the difference in that the Court appears to be saying that the POTUS only enjoys such immunity when he is acting in his official capacity, making room for the fact that there are times when POTUS is not acting in his official capacity, meaning that POTUS and the gov’t are not one and the same. There is daylight between the two.

ETA: This, of course, is setting aside the likelihood that CJ Colorblind and the Fascist Five will eviscerate the entire concept in furtherance of their Southern Strategy project.


Yes. If he dumps Bedminster’s untreated sewage on the church next door, he’s not going to have civil immunity for it.


Neither am I a fan of Hamas. For the record, and given history, I think Jews need a state of their own. That said, both sides have bloody hands, neither are clean.

One thing that bothers me greatly is that Israel is punishing an entire population for the actions of a small subset. I would have hoped that Israel, of all countries, would be keenly and deeply sensitive to itself imposing collective punishment.


Be careful contracting with certain construction firms…


Sure, they can file their suit the first Tuesday in November, 2024 and get relief by the end of the night when the vote out every damn Republican they can. That should send a shiver down the spines of the eighth circuit and other courts that are doing all they can to deny individual Americans access to the Federal Courts.

There has been a drift to requiring “standing” in more and more cases and continuingly defining “standing” tighter and tighter so only the “right” people can have access to Federal Courts.


Republicans on the Supreme Court disagree with you.


Yes, we don’t define sovereign immunity as being the same as royal immunity. The immunity is limited to his official acts, but sadly this guy is claiming that overthrowing the constitution is an officiial act. So far he hasn’t had any success with that claim.


John Roberts would beg to differ with you. See

Citizens United v. FEC, 558 U.S. 310 (2010)](Citizens United v. FEC :: 558 U.S. 310 (2010) :: Justia US Supreme Court Center)


Apparently the Israeli game plan is to overlay a checkboard of zones in Gaza. Residents in a given targeted zone will have about 10 minutes’ warning before the zone is bombed. If they don’t get out in time, or if communications are down and they don’t get word in time, then Israel is absolved and the dead civilians are declared to be at fault for their own deaths,

Your tax dollars at work.


That could reasonably be taken to mean he is not allowed to attend the church next door.


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Try texting in Gaza. And when standing in rubble how does one tell where a safe zone is? Also shrapnel from exploding ordinance does not observe “safe zones”. Neither do bullets. It’s like asking a virus to not infect you. A virus lacks ears, eyes and a functioning way to think. Seems Israel missed this point. Gonna be a lotta dead innocent folks who may not have a working phone because of no way to power it. Cut electricity and ask folk to power up their phones just is not logical.

Neither Hamas nor Israel are in any way innocent in this war.


Hamas is forcing the situation by using civilian infrastructure to hide behind, using the civilian population as human shields. The deaths of civilians in Gaza would be on a much smaller scale if they were not doing this.

Both sides are to blame for the civilian deaths, but not equally in my view. It didn’t have to happen this way.

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Where does this relatively little known bit of history fit into your view?

“In 1948, more than 700,000 Palestinian Arabs – about half of prewar Mandatory Palestine’s Arab population – fled from their homes or were expelled by Zionist militias[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8] during the 1948 Palestine war,[9] following the Partition Plan for Palestine. The expulsion and flight was a central component of the fracturing, dispossession, and displacement of Palestinian society, known as the Nakba.[10][11] Between 400 and 600 Palestinian villages were destroyed. Village wells were poisonedin a biological warfare programme and properties were looted to prevent Palestinian refugees from returning.[12][13]“