Trump Campaign Would Love A Government Shutdown

No, seriously fuck the Senate. It’s their rules that allow this bullshit.

OT, but important, I think. News reports about the death of Amber Thurman are often confused or at least confusing. Thurman was not denied a life-saving abortion (as some reports seem to indicate, or might so seem if you don’t parse them) since she had already aborted the twins she was carrying. Rather, some tissue was still attached to her uterus, none of which tissue could have developed into a baby. The phenomenon of remaining tissue rarely results from the use of mifespristone and misoprostol, which Thurman had legally obtained in North Carolina, but is not rare when a woman spontaneously aborts or miscarries, and it can also occur after a healthy live birth.* Sepsis, which can readily set it when that tissue remains in the uterus, was one of the major causes of women’s pregnancy-related deaths for millennia.

A simple procedure, dilation and curettage, or a D&C (which is also used for various reasons unrelated to pregnancy) removes the dangerously remaining tissue. It is routine to perform it in most states today, as it was before Roe v. Wade. My mother had one after she miscarried in 1957. Lawrence O’Donnell reported tonight that his mother had one after a miscarriage when he was six years old in Boston, where the procedure was routinely performed in Catholic hospitals by Catholic doctors.

Here’s the thing: The procedure is also used for abortions before 13 weeks – in any D&C, the cervix is dilated and the lining of the uterus is scraped and scooped (curettage). I guess that’s why the Georgia abortion law makes it a felony offense to perform a D&C, with exceptions that medical professionals say are vague and difficult to interpret. I can’t imagine why a reasonable law would have been so difficult to craft if you wanted to prohibit D&C abortions but not complicate the procedure’s application when abortion was not or was no longer an issue. I’m not defending the medical professionals’ decisions about Thurman here. I’m attacking sloppy and lazy and ignorant and heartless Georgia lawmakers.

*For some reason, after my first child was born the doctor examined the placenta on a counter near me while my son was off briefly to be washed and swathed by the nurses. (Not my “true” ob, who happened to be off at a conference.) I watched (my head and body were in a new place, a RELIEVED and happy one) as he turned the placenta over and over, examining it closely (the placenta is larger and thicker than I’d ever imagined, and blood red). He was totally absorbed in his task (good doctor!), and I remember (am I crazy?) that he also pounded it for a bit. I was later told (by whom? I can’t recall) that he was making sure that the placenta had detached completely from my uterus. Any of it left behind in what otherwise appeared to be a healthy birth would have been cause for a D&C to make sure that I didn’t, like, die.


Moderater why is this still up? It has nothing to do with TPM and in fact makes TPM look foolish and shallow.

Very well done, Trumps townhall last night
Trump says he doesn’t ramble while rambling: “No, no, that’s not rambling—that’s genius” (

Donald Trump bizarrely claims nuclear weapons are biggest threat to car industry | Watch
Sarah Huckabee Sanders Jabs At Harris For Not Having Biological Children | HuffPost Latest News


If I understand correctly, the rightists’ voter ID would require a birth certificate or passport. The BC is a major pain in the ass that also costs money to fetch from the county government where you were born. The passport requires a BC and is therefore an additional costly pain in the ass.

It’s a double pain for every woman who changed her name in marriage, and another additional pain for every woman who got divorced and changed her name back. She will have to produce all her marriages certificates and divorce decrees, too.

This is from the party that’s on record not wanting women and elderly people to vote, and this is how they’d achieve it.


Here is the video
GOP Sen. John Kennedy To Arab American Witness: 'You Support Hamas, Don’t You?’ | HuffPost Latest News


He also said he would end the SALT restriction he put into place when he gave his millionaires’ tax giveaway.

Except it’s set to expire next year anyway.


Damn good ad
New Harris campaign ad features Kentucky rape survivor who became pregnant at 12 - Raw Story


Wow some reporters are tired of the gaslighting
‘That’s not my point!’ Conservative fact-checked for blaming Democrats for Trump threats - Raw Story

'No Kaitlan, you’re not going to stop me there!: Irate Republican spars with CNN anchor - Raw Story


Well, let’s be fair, here. Hakeem Jeffries hasn’t so much as lifted a finger to help the GOP out here. If anything, he’s probably urging his caucus to vote against the GOP plan. So… how is this NOT the Democrats’ fault?


“The Hill” was running a headline that the Democrats had blocked Ted Cruz’s IVF Bill, so, there’s that.

I assume you mean start with cleaning up the waste already causing stench

I may have said an you sir support neo-Nazi’s

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Facts not in evidence.

How do you know the good lord isnt the one sending all these shooters?


You don’t like the traditional cat Pics?


Sadly, they still have to work, just not get paid.

Should still make for some awkward encounters with the person they know is the cause of their missed paychecks.

That’s some top-level projection by the House GOP. I wonder how many Republican expense reports have suspicious looking line-items.

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Let’s split the difference and make a nuclear-powered car.


I came to say the same. Tuberville proved he doesn’t give a shit about the military and did so for months on end.


And what idiot will be “brave” enough to stand for that post?