Trump Campaign Would Love A Government Shutdown


The difference these days is that Democrats don’t waste their time trying to push Republicans out of the way of oncoming traffic.


Has former President Donald J Trump SENIOR run a measurably WORSE campaign since he picked Ohio Republican Senator JD Vance for his VP candidate?
It sure seems so.
It’s like JD brings out the A in the HOLE from the Donald!


“It’s becoming a mess. Especially our military — they’re suffering. Even if you do a (continuing resolution), you know they don’t get the money they’d normally get. This whole thing’s a debacle,” Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL)

That’s really fucking rich coming from Tuberville, who single-handedly blocked for a year military promotions for ~400 excellent American warfighters, because he was upset that the Pentagon was paying travel expenses for service members who needed abortions. That included something like a dozen four-star promotions.

I guess he only thinks this is a debacle because it’s not him holding the military hostage this time, and because it’s not being done for the sake of his backwards cult’s fetish for blastocysts.

Seriously fuck this guy.


I have a slightly different view without disagreeing with anything you just said. My view is that when Tubberville believes something is a piece of crap, you can believe him because he is the world’s second best crapologist.


Um who is paying for the Speaker, and his wife, to fly to FL to consult their party’s candidate for POTUS?


I think that Christians should know that it’s Satan protecting 45*. Such is the admiration of The Prince of Lies for one of his most devoted practitioners.


Bingo. And a bill that gives Dems some of what they want.


“Why shouldn’t we be trying to force this government shutdown fight to get something out of it that’s good for the American people?” [Vance] said. “Like, why have a government if it’s not a functioning government?”

Um . . . I’m not sure that shutting down the government will make it functional, but this may be Opposite Day.

ETA: I see @Paracelsus got there first.


Those votes will come in November if not sooner.


Generic Flack™ answer: “The American People, who he serves.”


MIke Johnson should check he and his son’s porn alerts! It’s gone “full tilt boogie!”


“…ensure the integrity of our elections” is nothing but Republican bullshit - out elections are ALREADY secure, as every precinct, county, and state has verification procedures in place that have worked for years…there is NO systemic fraud in our elections - except the conspiracy crap the Republicans are spewing.


So if the Government shuts down, no Secret Service protection around Mar-A-Lago?

Hmmm… the choices to be made.


I’ll bite: who’s the first?





If we can’t afford to keep the government open, we can’t afford to protect traitors.

Pull 6 SCOTUS members protection and anyone protecting GOP Congressmen, too. If they don’t like it they can sue our IMMUNE POTUS.

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House Republicans are whining about the need for a continuing resolution, but they’ve failed to do their job wrt the 12 budget bills.

These 12 bills must be passed by the House & Senate and signed by the President by September 30th.

Out of the 12, the House has passed only 6. And these bills are so laden with GOP performance art that they’ll be DOA in the Senate.

Examples from the defense budget: no spending resources on climate change, CRT & DEI banned, military gender-related medical care for service members or their families - prohibited. Regular telework by DOD employees - banned. Mandating the Covid vaccine or wearing masks - banned.

And then there’s the “Oh look how moral we are” stuff like:

Sec. 8096. None of the funds made available by this Act may be used for Government Travel Charge Card expenses by military or civilian personnel of the Department of Defense for gaming, or for entertainment that includes topless or nude entertainers or participants, as prohibited by Department of Defense Instruction 1015.10 (enclosures 3 and 14b).

[they even admit it’s already illegal, but hey - it’s performance art]


Here’s Congress’ status report on the various bills, including links to the various bill texts:


Technically, everything that is funded annually in the budget should shut down if the budget isn’t passed - including all airports, customs, border patrol, etc, etc.

According to the Constitution, only spending for food & fuel for the military would be allowed.

The Constitution says nothing about forcing employees to work for IOUs if they perform “mission essential” functions.

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Johnson tweeted saying he and his wife had “just spent a few hours with President Trump and are thanking God for protecting him today.

Dog had nothing to do with it. The Secret Service did its job. If any god was being responsible she would have dropped a very large golden scam on fatso.

But he gets an oil painting right next to McCarthy. Need I say more?