Originally published at: Trump Bullies The Judiciary To See If It Has Any Spine
A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo. Sign up for the email version. Will The Courts Stand Up In Any Meaningful Way? I suspect many of you are a little dazed and confused by the flurry of court filings in the waning days of the Trump transition. There’s…
I’m watching the funeral on C-SPAN2.
The President Elect has shown up at the funeral. Obama is stuck sitting next to him, but all the rest of the ex-Pres’s and wives completely ignored the P-E. Bill, Hillary, W and Barbara are there. Michelle is notably absent. The P-E is really trying to engage with Obama, who has no choice, but everyone is just stone-faced and refusing to interact.
The P-E is continually yammering with Obama and just won’t shut up. Everyone has walked by him without any acknowledgment. Kamala sort of nodded in his direction, but the Bidens did nothing to show they knew he was there.
I have to wonder if that’s going to the way it works for his entire term.
The worst thing that could happen to the fat felon at his sentencing would be embarrassment, which is probably the worst thing that could happen to him.
It’s why he’s fighting so hard to delay it so that it will never happen under his watch.
Someone has to stand up to this. It’s no longer up to us, the American people. At some point the judicial system has to do its job. Is this the moment of truth? Stay tuned.
No diss to Michelle, but I wonder if she had an idea of the seating arrangements, and said no way am I sitting next to that sick fuck for two hours.
“It does strike me as something novel about the right, certainly within the last 15 years… there is a combination of the malignancy of Donald Trump himself, who is constantly seeking ways to be in the headlines, the media environment in which we live that really favors this kind of outrage and negative emotion, and a conservative media ecosystem that takes that revved-up let’s-make-everybody-angry dynamic and applies it to electoral politics,” she said. “All those things come together to turn everything that happens into an opportunity for a fight.” The result of this, she says, is that “everything just feels worse all the time.”
– Vanderbilt historian Nicole Hemmer
SupCt doesn’t have spine.
I support this proposal.
IANAL, but even I know that an ex parte tete a tete with a potential client is a big no-no.
I feel bad for Barack. Hell, I feel bad for all the ex-presidents. Even W, who has wisely kept a low profile since his days in office ended.
Ironic that B.O. has to sit next to the guy with B.O… If I were he, I would go for a bathroom break and then find a seat elsewhere.
I don’t particularly like the smell of Vap-O-Rub, either.
Barack Obama should get a medal from Biden before he leaves office, for having to put up with Trump yammering in his ear at the funeral. The traditional seating arrangement would have Michelle next to Trump, so it’s not hard to guess why she isn’t there. Obama is taking one for the team.
NYT Liveblog mentions that the cathedral is mostly full, but a lot of empty seats in the Congressional seating area. Assholes couldn’t be bothered to show up, I guess…
I watched a little of the start of the funeral while making breakfast, but I’m out now. Don’t have much tolerance for religion-drenched encomiums.
No, let’s keep California, and kick out Texas. And when Mexico invades Texas, do nothing.
Mr. Doc was watching and came in to report that TFG and Obama were chatting, but he said that Melania looked 10 years older. I pointed out that she was going to have to pretend to be married to him for another four years, and that would take it out of anyone, regardless of how much kidney surgery they could have.
Not that I feel sorry for her. She made her bed, and now… (excuse me, I just threw up a little in my mouth).
Yeah but she got a nice cut of that $40 million from the Bozo Bezos movie deal…
. . . sleeps with The Devil.